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‘blue sky thinker
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a person who think or deals with sth in a new and original way, notalways practical
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the set of rules that control accepted behavior in the particular society,
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a newspaper that is printed on the large sheets of paper
succinct zwięzły
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(of writing or speech) clear and short
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in a way that is clear and exact
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extreme pleasure and happiness or excitement
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(of people) too confident and showing too little respect
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trying to appear or sound more clever or important than you are, especially inmatters of art and literature
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(of white people) yellowish and looking unhealthy
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chatty, talkative (having the habit of talking a lot, especially things that are notimportant)
lateral thinker
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a person who approaches problems and ideas in a creative andunconventional way
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(of an illness) caused my anxiety and worry and not by an infection orinjury
libel laws
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tort laws that give you the right to pursue a civil lawsuit when someone harmsyou by defaming you.
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a young actress who has little experience and is very trusting
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happening repeatedly or for a long time
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perfect happiness
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(especially of clothes or a person who wears them) not attractive or fashionable
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very wet, often in an unpleasant way
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looking ill or tired, often with dark skin under eyes
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(of a person) quiet
to think outside the box
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to think imaginatively using new ideas instead of traditional orexpected ideas
go viral
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to become popular very quickly, especially on the internet
to hanker after sth
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to have a strong wish for something, especially if you cannot orshouldn’t have it
to feel on the top of the word
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to feel very well and happy
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likely to change your opinion or feelings suddenly and without a good reason
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(of places) extremely dirty and unpleasant
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(of a person or their skin) dark
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shy and not confident of your abilities
to account for sth
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to be the total of something
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specially made for a particular purpose or situation
to curb
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to control or limit sth that is not wanted
to score through
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to draw a line through a piece of writing
to crave
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to desire sth strongly
thrilled to bits
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extremely pleased
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a person who has old fashioned ideas and opinions
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expressed to often to be interesting or seem sincere
never/not a hair out of place
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of a very neat appearance
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not friendly or willing to take part in things
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(of a person) very intelligent and skilful
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more than is needed or wanted
to yearn
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to wish very strongly, especially for sth that you cannot have or sth that is verydifficult to have
float/walk on water
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to perform a godlike or superhuman feats
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giving too much attention to details that are not important, especially as a way of criticizing
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unpleasantly thin, often with bones showing
to pout
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to push the lower lip forward to show you are annoyed, or to push both lips forwardin a sexually attractive way
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unfriendly and seeming to consider yourself better than other people
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awkward and uncomfortable with other people, especially because young andwithout experience
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a standard by which you jude and decide about, or deal with something
to rig (to manipulate)
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to arrange dishonestly for the result of something, for example an election
a workhorse
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a person who does a lot of work, especially of a type that is necessary but notinteresting
to defuse
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to make difficult or dangerous situation calmer
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a strong feeling of hating someone or something
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very unpleasant or rude
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tall and thin and often moving awkwardly as a result
to grimace
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to make an expression of pain, strong dislike etc. in which the face twists in anugly way
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showing dislike and considering that sth or sb doesnt deserve interest or respect
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making you feel that something bad or ewil might happen
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the fact of preferring a particular subject or thing
to urge
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to wish sth strongly, especially sth that is difficult or impossible to control
to fashion
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to make something using your hands
to placate
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to stop someone from feeling angry
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a feeling of hating something or someone
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too eager to praise or obey someone
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(especially of older people) fat and solid-looking, especially around the wais
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likely to do sth suddenly, without considering the results of your actions
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the belief that you are more important or have a higher value than other people
a safe pair of hands
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someone who you can trust to do an important job well, withoutmaking mistakes
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a tool with a deep bowl-shaped end that is used to dig out and move a soft substance or powder
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all the blogs on the internet
to flounder
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to experience great difficulties or to be completely unable to decide what to door say next
to conciliate
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to end a disagreement or someone’s anger by acting in a friendly way orslightly changing your opinion
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a very strong feeling of no respect to someone or sth that you think is stupid and hasno value
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not friendly and showing little interest in other people in a way that seems slightly rude
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(especially of middle aged or old men) fat and round
to leer
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(especially of men) to look at someone in a sexually interested way
(lanky) gangly/gangling
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tall, thin and awkward in movement
to scowl
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to look at someone or sth with a very annoyed expression
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too proud of yourself, your actions and abilities
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not large in size or amount, or not expensive
on hand
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near to someone or sth, and ready to help or be used if necessary
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a heavy metal object that is dropped from a boat into water to prevent the boat frommoving away
to inculcate
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to cause someone to have particular beliefs or values by repeating themfrequently
to appease
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to prevent further disagreement or fighting by letting the opposing side havesomething that they want
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too eager to tell people what to do and having too high opinion of your ownimportance
turn your hand to everything (sth)
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if you say that someone could turn their hand to sth, you mean they could do it well, even tho they dont have experience
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someone who writes a regular article for a newspaper or magazine
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sth that holds or defends a belief or a way of life, especially one that isdisappearing or threatened
to engender
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to cause sth to come into existence
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very happy, especially at someone else’s defeat or failure
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strong dislike or disapproval
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too obviously showing your money, possessions, or power, in an attempt tomake other people notice and admire you
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untidy, not cared for
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expressing welcome, approval, or pleasure in a way that shows very strong feeling
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easily tricked, and too willing to believe everything that other people say
revolve around
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to have someone or sth as the main interest or subject
a sound bite
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a short sentence or phrase said publicly, especially by a politician, to bebroadcasted
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very bad, atrocious
media outlet
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the mass media that broadcasts on different channels
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showing and expressing great happiness, usually because of a success
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not interesting or exciting
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considering yourselves they are more important than in reality
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insisting on doing something or chaning opinions too much when the other person is uwilling to do so
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always doing your work with a lot of care
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not willing to change your ideas or behaviour even though you are wrong
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state of remaining motionless
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behaving in a way that is dishonest or unfair in order to achieve certain results
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an introductory article in a Magazine or newspaper
classified ad
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a small advertisement in a newspaper or a magazine in order to buy/sell a product or to get a job or employ somebody
a feature (a type of an article)
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a type of an article that provides a detailed description of aplace, person, idea, or organisation
agony column
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the part of a magazine or newspaper where letters from readers about theirpersonal problems are printed, together with advice about how to deal with them
agony aunt
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a person, usually a woman, who gives advice to people with personal problems, especially in a regular magazine or newspaper article
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a thin book with only a few pages that gives information or opinion aboutsomething
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a piece of paper that gives you an information or advertising sth
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a document giving details of a college, school, or business and its activities
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a small piece of paper with information on it about a product or event
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done with the hands/ a book that gives you information on how to do something
a newsgroup
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a collection of messages that are shown on the internet and have been writtenby people interested in a particular subject
to bookmark
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to save an internet address as a bookmark
to subscribe to
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to pay money to an organization in order to receive a product, use a serviceregularly, or support the organization
to bounce (about an email)
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if an email that you send bounces or is bounced, it comes backto you because the address is wrong or there is a computer problem
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confusing and unclear, or giving a false idea
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better than anyone or anything else
to leave sth standing
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to be much better, quicker, more successful etc than someone orsomething else
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in great amounts or numbers
to pamper oneself
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to give someone special treatment, making that person as comfortable as possible and giving them whatever they want
indulge oneself
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allow yourself to have or do something that you know you will enjoy
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looking expensive
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expensive and luxurious
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very modern and using the most recent ideas and methods
in the lap of luxury
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living in very comfortable conditions because you have a lot of money
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pleasant or attractive
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attractive or exciting
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a writing formed in the sky, for example by a smoke, emitted from an airplane
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a pair of connected boards placed next to a store to advertise its products
a press release
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a public statement given to the press to publish if they wish
put your own gloss/spin on a story
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to interpret the story on your own way
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the activity of finding out and publishing the inconvenient truth about sth or sb
a glossy
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a magazine printed on shimmery paper
go to press
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to start to be printed
a stop press
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a space on the front or back page of a newspaper containing most recent news added to the newspaper after the printing process starts
hot off the press
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newspaper that is freshly printed and contains themost recent information about sth
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a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation
defamation of character
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the act of harming someone’s reputation by saying or publishishing information showing them in a bad light
back copy
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a newspaper or magazine of an earlier date than the one now on sale
to crack down on
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to act firmly against
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frightening and violent

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