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uzupełnić lukę, to make two groups, people, ideas less separate or less different
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bridge the gap
a small amount of a beverage with a strong taste and energising effect
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a shot of coffee
prawdziwy człowiek czynu/ someone who gets actively involved in something, rather than just thinking or talking about it
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a real doer
hanging loosely because of being too big or having been stretched
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made with a very small amount of money
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on a shoestring
a way of life in modern society, in which people compete with each other for power and money
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The rat race
the quality of being able to continue over a period of time
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pay great attention
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put a premium on
to begin something such as a plan or introduce something new such as a product
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to launch
extremely determined; never becoming weaker or admitting defeat
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a person who enjoys shopping very much and does it a lot
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11. shopaholic
modern and stylish in a way that attracts attention
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a style of design or art characterised by simplicity
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money that someone has left to spend after paying taxes
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disposable income
the frame of a vehicle
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made to be destroyed after use
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to lose interest in something, for example hobby.
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go off sth (e.g. football)
to look extremely attractive
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to be dressed to kill
to restrain somebody physically or metaphorically
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to put someone in a straitjacket
the arrival of a large number of people or things
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the activity of selling goods to the public, usually in shops
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made by a famous or fashionable designer
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designer (label clothes)
farming that provides enough food for the farmer and their family to live on, but not enough for them to sell
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subsistence farming
to isolate oneself from others
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to lock oneself away
to be the person in a relationship who is in control and who makes decisions for both people
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to wear the trousers
a main factor or element that has a significant impact on the outcome or success of a particular process
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key driver
to start to like someone
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to warm to
to change or arrange something again, in order to improve it
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means to be intensely interested in or obsessed with something
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hooked on
clothes made and bought in standard sizes and not made especially to fit a particular person
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off the peg/off the rack/on the high street
starting to exist
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large and with a lot of space
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containing all the most recent information
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to do something, often something that other people would disapprove of
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to get up to something
very popular at a particular time
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all the rage
an exercise in which you stand on the ground with your feet apart and raise and lower your bottom by bending and straightening your legs
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a squat
a drink given to you free by a business
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a drink on the house
travelling to a lot of different countries
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happening after something and because of it
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tools, utensils, and equipment used in a kitchen
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admitting to having a characteristic that is considered to be bad or not acceptable
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a small home that is dirty and in bad condition
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a hovel
a true but unpleasant fact about yourself that another person tells you
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home truth
a type of product made by a particular company and sold under a particular name
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a brand
in a way that shows you do not think something is worth considering or thinking about seriously (lekceważąco)
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able to be made, done, or achieved
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the skin at the back of the neck / a dirty and untidy person
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someone who is excessively influenced by fashion trends and styles
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a slave of/to fashion
a small house or apartment in a city that you own or rent in addition to your main home, where you stay when visiting that city for a short time
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a pied a terre
not exciting or special
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nothing to write home about
a person or an organization that monitors things to make sure rules are followed and people behave properly.
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to support or represent a particular idea or set of ideas
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to stand for
household items used for everyday living
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a set of clothing that makes the wearer feel confident, assertive, and professional.
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power outfit
If you speak off the cuff, you say something without having prepared or thought about your words first
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off the cuff
to cause you to realize exactly how unpleasant or difficult something is
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hit home
an expensive apartment or set of rooms at the top of a hotel or tall building
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a period of economic decline or decrease in activity
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producing a lot of money
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to wear informal clothes in a situation where people often wear more formal clothes
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to dress down
working together, often to do something dishonest
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to be hand in glove with somebody
houses or flats provided by local government at low rents for people who have low incomes
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council housing
to experience a revitalization or rejuvenation, often after a period of stagnation or decline
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get a new lease of life
to examine the facts about a problem or situation
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look into
someone who is very interested in music, art, theatre, etc
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culture vulture
outfit which is neat and stylish, but not too formal
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a flat in a tall modern building with many floors
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high-rise flat
a very unhappy and unpleasant life
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a dog’s life
iconic or timeless piece of design that has been popular
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design classic
to do the same thing as someone else
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to follow suit
someone who takes a slight and not very serious interest in a subject
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not large enough
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80. to have/take a fancy to something
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to have/take a fancy to something
a set of rooms, often connected to or part of a relation's house, in which an old person lives
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a granny flat
an event to celebrate or introduce something new
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a launch
the special clothes that you wear for a party where everyone dresses as a particular type of character or thing
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fancy dress
a party for a man who is going to get married, to which only his male friends are invited
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a stag party
a party for a woman who is going to get married, to which only her female friends are invited
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a hen party
the activity of meeting people who might be useful to know, especially in your job
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a party that you give when you move into a new house
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housewarming party
a formal party at which important people are welcomed
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the way in which people who have been to the same expensive private school help each other to find good jobs
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old school tie
he way in which men who have been to the same expensive school or university help each other to find good jobs
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old boy network
to have sex with a lot of different people
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put oneself about
to spend time being friendly with someone who is important or famous
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to hobnob
to meet and spend time with someone
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to rub shoulders with
to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone
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to hang out with
someone who enjoys parties and party activities
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party animal
to spend time relaxing and doing very little
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to knock around with
to go out dancing in clubs
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to go clubbing
to go on a trip
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go out on the town
a relationship characterized by warmth and mutual trust
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chummy/pally with sb
behaving like a clique, not making other people feel welcome
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to have a romantic relationship
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be an item
to defend yourself against a powerful person or organization when they treat you unfairly
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to stand somebody up
a visit to several pubs, one after the other, having a drink or drinks at each one
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pub crawl
without extras
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without frills
to formally choose someone to do a special piece of work
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to commission
a style of art, writing, music, theatre, and especially architecture in late 19th and 20 century
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receiving a lot of public attention
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in the spotlight
a person in a law case who is accused of having done something illegal
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a defendant
o continue to stay in a place although other people want you to leave
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to outstay your welcome
a party or similar occasion where people drink a lot of alcohol
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a bash/do/get-together/booze-up
goods and products that are of very high quality and intended to be bought by people who are quite rich
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