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English - English

accepted Englisch:

1. embraced embraced

The settlers embraced the Christian religion.
He embraced his son warmly.
They embraced tightly.
The little boy embraced his dog.
He embraced his relatives before he left.

2. approved approved

Most Americans approved of what Coolidge did.
Congress approved the resolution in October.
The drug must go through clinical trials before being approved.
The treaty was approved.
The budget was narrowly approved by Congress.
In 1764, the British Parliament approved the Sugar Act.
More than one hundred nations have approved the treaty.
He said the treaty must be approved as written.
Whatever we decide must be approved by the committee.
Even after being approved, difficulties might arise in the actual construction of the line.
The proposed building site has yet to be approved by the city council.
What is a approved Document?
His foolish proposal was approved unanimously.
I move that these proposals be approved, and that action be taken as soon as possible.
This deposit must be protected by your landlor in an approved administration

Englisch Wort "accepted"(approved) tritt in Sätzen auf:

the next word

3. enter into enter into

He doesn't want to enter into details at the moment.
He doesn't want to enter into details at the moment