das Wörterbuch Englisch Minus Englisch

English - English

one of the people living in an institution such as a prison or a mental hospital Englisch:

1. inmate inmate

The jail has 500 inmates.
The inmates in the prison were divided into two gangs.
Bank operates inside Peru's largest prison and is run entirely by inmates.
In prisons many of the inmates take drugs.
Women make up about 6 percent of all inmates in the U.S.
Yesterday morning one of the inmates of our mental hospital escaped unexpectedly.
Here, every inmate is confined alone to an individual cell
The inmate was doing time for a burglary conviction.

Englisch Wort "one of the people living in an institution such as a prison or a mental hospital"(inmate) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Hopes and fears

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