das Wörterbuch Englisch Minus Englisch

English - English

prompt Englisch:

1. tip

give a tip or gratuity to in return for a service, beyond the compensation agreed on.
to tip sb
I put the tip under two glasses because I knew they were always in a hurry.
What's the minimum amount to tip?
When the tip was a lone dime thrown into a glass, the waitress would raise the glass while hastily preparing the table for the next customer. She would then spill the water and that would be it.
If you want the taxi driver to have a tip, hand him too much money and say, "Keep the change."
He was given a tip three weeks ago that two companies would merge.
Police rushed to the scene on the tip that a time bomb was planted.
When you travel abroad, you need change in the currency of the country you are visiting to pay for a taxi, a cup of coffee or a tip.
That evening I left my tip under a coffee cup, which I left upside down on the table.
I have a wooden back-scratcher whose tip is carved in the shape of a hand.
What kind of tips can you find in women's magazines?
If you want to make new friends, my tip is to get a dog and take it out for walks.
I'm a subscriber to a website which sends me weekly photography tips.
The table tipped, and all our drinks fell on the floor.

2. quick

Come quick!
He does not care for any sport involving team work or quick responses to other players.
Anxious for a quick decision, the chairman called for a vote.
I bought the really quick popcorn machine as a Christmas present.
If there are past exam questions then I think it would be best to give them a quick look over.
He's a good kid - very quick on the uptake and he does whatever needs to be done.
She's quick on her feet, so no matter what you say to her, she'll have a witty comeback.
Quick, let's get started on the project proposal while the idea is still fresh in our minds. There's no time like the present.
I'll try giving the book "Reiko's Recommended" a quick skim read on the spot.
After a quick breakfast of toast and coffee I got on the train and was on my way.
Diet pills aren't a quick fix for losing weight. You have to eat healthier and exercise too.
Maybe I should add some sentences without translations too. It's a very quick way to improve the rating of your language.
She lifted one corner of the napkin which covered her basket and let me have a quick look.
In the principles of love, quick disappointments are usually described as remedies.

Englisch Wort "prompt"(quick) tritt in Sätzen auf:

angielski C1

3. help

Help yourself.
Tom and Mary are both very kind and will help anybody who asks.
I told her that if I could be of any use I would be glad to help.
Unable to accomplish the task by himself, he turned to me for help.
I wish I could figure out how to convince Tom to help us.
If you can't go to an English-speaking country to study, perhaps you can find an English native speaker living nearby that can help you learn English.
Could you stick around after the party and help me clean up?
He had gone there to help garbage workers strike peacefully for better pay and working conditions.
Not only did he refuse to help me, but also he scolded me.
Will you have a little time this weekend to help me with my French?
He's the last person I would ask help from, because he is completely unreliable.
Pigeons can find their way home with the help of the Earth's magnetic field.
Defensive driving can help you avoid accidents.
She wanted to lose weight and she thought smoking would help her.
Vaccinations help prevent childhood diseases.

Englisch Wort "prompt"(help) tritt in Sätzen auf:

sprawdzian angielski

4. to make someone decide to do something

5. cause something happen or be done

Englisch Wort "prompt"(cause something happen or be done) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Japan gives its workers a break – to go shopping

6. done on time

7. to make something happen