das Wörterbuch Englisch Minus Englisch

English - English

unusual in an interesting way Englisch:

1. wacky wacky

Children love clowns because their wacky clothes and antics make them laugh.
You're a wacky guy.
Have you heard of that wacky fashion website?
By inference, their inventor is sometimes regarded as a wacky innovator who was perhaps out of touch with reality. But Fuller’s career involved a great deal more than domes.

Englisch Wort "unusual in an interesting way"(wacky) tritt in Sätzen auf:

angielski definicje

2. quirky quirky

‘Pop-up shops’ are quirky, interesting shops that close or change after a few weeks.
I admired the film because of the great cinematography, wonderfully quirky script and memorable performances.
I like his quirky sense of humour.
She is so quirky.
I've never heard such sound, That's a really quirky type of music.
This is a quirky translation that captures the author’s style.
his habbits are quirky
... the story of a quirky, long, six- year, difficult...
How characteristically quirky of him to give you both a dozen roses and a dozen camellias, and have them fight to the death!

Englisch Wort "unusual in an interesting way"(quirky) tritt in Sätzen auf:

1. TRENDS #2