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extend the application of (method or conclusion) to an unknown situation
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in accordance with, following pursuant to the judge’s request, we’ll provide additional testimony
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not easily controlled or directed
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admit as acceptable or possible
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support or approval; face or facial expression "his impenetrable eyes and inscrutable countenance give little away"
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subject to debate, dispute, or uncertainity whether the temperature rise was mainly due to the greenhouse effect was a moot point
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the action of making something obscure, unclear, or unintelligible
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correction, rectification here are some suggested emendations
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each of two or more words having the same spelling or pronounciation but different meanings and origins
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a word, name or expression used as a substitute for something else with which it is closely associated washington is the metonym for the US government
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in a very poor condition as a result of disuse and neglect
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the ineluctable facts of history
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curtailment, cutback, reduction in the size, extent, or importance. Opp- increase
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causing vomiting (of a substance)
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brave and persistent. OPP- timid
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charm or enchant in a deceptive way
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disgust or sicken (someone) with an excess of sweetness, richness, sentiment
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extremely offensive smell
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extremely unpleasant; repulsive
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it was not meet for us to see the king’s dishonour
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appropriate to the crime; fitting and deserved condign punishment was rare when the criminal was a man of high social standing
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express in a language of a specified style; expressed, phrase the assurances were couched in general terms
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a person who is appreciative of and sensitive to art and beauty.
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an incidental remark, or one not intended to be heard by everyone present. "‘Does that make him a murderer?’ whispered Alice in an aside to Fred"
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great technical skill and brilliance shown in a performance or activity; virtuoso 2) daring "the recital ended with a blazing display of bravura"
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a bold manner or a show of boldness intended to impress or intimidate.
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flexibility; the quality of being easily bent; flexibility.
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reluctant to give information owing to caution or suspicion; secretive, guarded
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"the company issued additional shares to shareholders in lieu of a cash dividend"
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Use the adjective chimerical to describe something that is wildly fanciful or imaginative — like the chimerical illustrations of magical creatures in a children's book.
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relating to drama and the theatre
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drive out or expel (someone) from a position or place
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Walk doggedly and slowly with heavy steps We plodded back up the hill
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We need a clear exposition of their legal position
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He was expounding a powerful argument
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The limpid waters of the Caribbean
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Translucently Clear Easily understood, lucid He writes, as always, in pellucid prose
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Correct or improve something The rule was amended to apply only to non-members
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Make amends or reparation A human sacrifice to atone for the sin
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The action of making amends for a wrong one has done, by providing payment or other assistance to those who have been wronged The courts required a convicted offender to make financial reparation to his victims
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Saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil God's plan for the redemption of his world
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Make amends or reparation for (guilt or wrongdoing) He had a chance to confess and expiate his guilt
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Remedy or set right Correct It is time to redress the injustices of the past
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Compensate (someone) for harm or loss Reimburse
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Make up for harm loss etc The government tried to make restitution for the damage Restoration Compensation Reparation
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Persuade that an idea or belief is mistaken Let me disabuse you of your foolish notions about married life
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Slow and clumsy because of great weight Dull, laborious
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Predicament A practical dilemma A difficult situation Kate was in a quandary; A legal quandary
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abnormally thin or weak, especially because of illness or a lack of food. "she was so emaciated she could hardly stand"
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(of a person) lean and haggard, especially because of suffering, hunger, or age. "a tall, gaunt woman in black"
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emaciated, gaunt; very pale, thin, or bony. "he was gaunt and cadaverous"
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moral or cultural decline
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cause great and continual trouble to projects like this are bedevilled by a shortage of cash
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artifically created or developed
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pretend to be ill to escape duty or work people who had psychosomatic complaints were probably malingering
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waste (something, especially money or time) in a reckless and foolish manner. "£100m of taxpayers' money has been squandered on administering the tax"
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make an amount or supply of something last longer by using or consuming it frugally. "the remains of yesterday's stew could be eked out to make another meal"
presumption (2nd meaning) Lernen beginnen
behaviour perceived as arrogant, disrespectful, and transgressing the limits of what is permitted or appropriate. "he lifted her off the ground, and she was enraged at his presumption" synonyms: brazenness, audacity,
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agree to a demand, request, or treaty. "the authorities did not accede to the strikers' demands"
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express approval or agreement. "the Prime Minister assented to the change"
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easily influenced or directed; yielding. synonyms: compliant "a more pliant prime minister"
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abandon or mitigate a severe or harsh attitude, especially by finally yielding to a request. "she was going to refuse his request but relented"
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The authors concurred with the majority
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openly disregard (a rule, law, or convention). synonyms: defy, refuse to obey "the advertising code is being flouted"
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shock or excite (someone) into taking action. synonyms: jolt, shock, startle "the urgency of his voice galvanized them into action"
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a person who is excessively fond of something. (Noun) "he's a glutton for adventure"
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a person who is excessively fond of something "he's a glutton for adventure"
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wanting or devouring great quantities of food. synonyms: insatiable, unquenchable,
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greed for money or possessions. Because of my husband’s cupidity, he is now sitting in jail for making counterfeit money.
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having or showing a great desire to possess something belonging to someone else. synonyms: grasping, greedy, rapacious, "she fingered the linen with covetous hands"
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aggressively greedy or grasping. synonyms: grasping, greedy, avaricious
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a harsh discordant mixture of sounds. "a cacophony of deafening alarm bells"
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expressing or characterized by vehement opinions; loud and forceful. synonyms: vehement, outspoken, vocal, "he was a vociferous opponent of the takeover"
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complicated, complex and difficult to follow
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the action of desecrating something; violation, sacrilege OPP- veneration
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in low spirits from loss of hope or courage; duscouraged, dispirited
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energy; the state of being strong and active; liveliness
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inspire or permeate with (a feeling or quality)
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spread throughout; pervade the aroma of the soup permeated the air
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attribute; ascribe, assign, credit the crimes imputed to Richard
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the cheetah hared off between the trees
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read, typically in a thorough or careful way I had spent countless hours in the library perusing art history books
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walk or move at slow, relaxed pace; stroll; prominade they ambled along the river bank
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not honourable in character or purpose ignoble feelings of intense jealousy
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lack of moderation or restraint
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make someone appear guilty of a crime or wrongdoing; implicate, involve he refused to answer questions in order not to incriminate himself
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relating to or promoting increased happiness
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