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make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense; ease, alleviate the letter assuaged the fears of most members
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attractive or appealing in appearance he was not a prepossessing sight
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strong disaproval typically on moral grounds
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exist or occur at a date earlier than
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beneficial, producing good effects
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wary and unwilling to take risks were very circumspect in their statements
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the exigent demands of her contemporaries music took a toll on her
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detestable, loathsome, teribble
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government by the wealthy
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government or the holding of power by people selected according to the merit
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a system of government in which priests rule in the name of god or a god
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police were called to quell the disturbance
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he staunched the blood with whatever came to hand
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compelling; completely engrossing the book is a riveting account of the legendary freedom fighter
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lacking distinctive or interesting features or characteristics; undistinguished, featureless she lived in a nondescript suburban apartment block
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well known, respected and admired for past achievements; eminent his illustrious predecessor
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poor; needy; impecunious- having little or no money a charity for the relief of indigent artists
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dilapidated, worn out or ruined because of age or neglect
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diatribe, invective; a strong verbal or written attack on someone or something
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prevent or hinder the progress of
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a large building or group of buildings used to house soldiers
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show or declare that someone is not guilty of wrongdoing the article exculpated the mayor
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sounds of revelry issued into the night
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expressing something forcibly and clearly; vehement the children were emphatic that they would like to repeat the experience
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a feeling of disappointment about someone or something you previously respected or admired; disillusionment
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grand and impressive in appearance
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an unerring sense of direction
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depressingly dull and bleak or repetitive; dull, drab
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lawlessness, absence of government
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secretly allow to occur; conspire to do something illegal, immoral or harmful she connived with a senior official to rig the results of the election
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lecture someone at length in an aggressive and critical manner Amy thought Captain Holt was haranguing her
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The action of making amends for a wrong one has done, by providing payment or other assistance to those who have been wronged The courts required a convicted offender to make financial reparation to his victims
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Make amends or reparation for (guilt or wrongdoing) He had a chance to confess and expiate his guilt
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It is time to redress the injustices of the past
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Compensate (someone) for harm or loss Reimburse
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Make up for harm loss etc The government tried to make restitution for the damage Restoration Compensation Reparation
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Persuade that an idea or belief is mistaken Let me disabuse you of your foolish notions about married life
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Slow and clumsy because of great weight Dull, laborious
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The state of being deceitful and untrustworthy Treachery It was an example of his perfidy
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Expressing sorrow or regret
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Feeling or expressing remorse at the recognition that one has done wrong Adj. Repentant A contrite tone; he looked so contrite that for a while she believed that he was actually feeling sorry for his deeds
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A temporary prohibition of an activity The convention called for a two year moratorium
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A temporary interval of quiet or lack of activity For 2 days there had been a lull in the fighting A lull in the conversation
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A state of temporary disuse or suspension Matters were held in abeyance pending further enquirers
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prolong, lasting a long time or longer than expected a protracted and bitter dispute
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grant (a tittle, degree, benefit, or right); have discussions, exchange opinions, consult
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provide support or a firm basis for
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come or bring together for a meeting or activity, assemble
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read typically in a thorough or careful way
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having the effect of allaying suspicion or hostility, specially through charm he gave her a disarming smile
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a wrong or inaccurate name or designation
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based on conjecture rather than knowledge he gave her a speculative glance
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a person who carries out a harmful, illegal or immoral act the perpetrators of apartheid should be bought to justice
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an active revolt or uprising
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Express strong disapproval More than likely, the cat will expostulate his opinion of his new food by leaving it in his dish.
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It is impossible to rebut DNA evidence
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Regard or represent as being of little worth Downgrade He never missed an opportunity to disparage his competitors
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A person who disparages someone or something
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Uncompromising, unyielding Unwilling or refusing to change ones views Her father had tried persuasion, but she was intransigent
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Hard to control or deal with Intractable economic problems
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Having an obstinately uncooperative attitude towards authority or discipline A class of recalcitrant 15 year olds
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Stubbornly doing what is wrong She finds a perverse pleasure in upsetting her parents.
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Determined, resolute, persistent He worked with a pertinacious resistance to interruptions
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Firm and determined, resolutely firm and unwavering
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An indefatigable defender of human rights
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Success requires dogged determination
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He treated them with studied politeness.
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Indifferent, casual, careless You were a bit offhand with her this after
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Inharmonious Unharmonious
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Noisy and difficult to control The boy is cocky and obstreperous
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Making a Harsh and loud noise
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The fans made an awful din
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His voice had become increasingly strident
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Because they weren’t happy in their marriage, they had it voided
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Revoked his driving license
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The government eventually rescinded the directive
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Our leaders should repudiate this sort of fatalism
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The committee doesn’t have the power to repeal the ban
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The property buyers will be sued if they reneged on the contract
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The coach disavowed the responsibility for the players behaviour
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He had to publicly recant his critical remark about her
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children cowered in fear as the shoot-out erupted
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inexperienced and immature earnest and callow undergraduates