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preposterous 🌟
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absurd, ridiculous
his ability to contrive an utterly preposterous situation is impressive
uncanny 🌟
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strange or mysterious, especially in an unsettling way
an uncanny feeling that she was being watched
ludicrous 🌟
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absurd, ridiculous
callow 🌟
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inexperienced and immature, green
earnest and callow undergraduates; a green recruit fresh from college
earnest 🌟
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showing sincere and intense conviction; serious, solemn
puerile 🌟
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a puerile argument
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curt, terse
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rough and bad-mannered person
she came across as a boor
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modesty or shyness resulting from a lack of self-confidence
with habitual diffidence, she handed a new manuscript to me
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shy and fond of being on one’s own
given Susan’s retiring personality, no one expected her to take up public speaking
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showing or suffering from nervousness or lack of confidence
she started delivering her speech with a timorous tone; timorous timon
endemic 🌟
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confined to a particular place or people
Food shortages are endemic in certain parts of the world
epidemic 🌟
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widespread, outbreak
a flu epidemic
pandemic 🌟
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prevalent over a whole country or the world, widespread
this could be the beginning of an influenza pandemic
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he dishes out orders to his underling
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pretentious and designed to impress
the gesture appeared both affected and stagy; I had been quite scared by the dog but affected carelessness
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affected, pretentious, marked by idiosyncratic or exaggerated mannerisms
his prose style is too mannered and self-conscious
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to act in a pretended manner
a masking of fear with macho posturing
cognizant 🌟
X Oblivious
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having knowledge or awareness
statesmen must be cognizant of the political boundaries within which they work
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archetype; an original or initial model, first example
Mercedes is prototyping a car sunroof which changes from clear to tinted
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a very typical example of a person or a thing
she is the archetype of an American Movie Star
X Nadir
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the highest point in the development of something; a culmination or climax
his appearance as Hamlet was the apotheosis of his career
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a typical example
society’s paradigm of the ideal woman
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exemplar, epitome, ideal, paradigm, embodiment
your cook is a paragon
ferret 🌟
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an assiduous search for something
I ferreted around my room to find my beauty blender
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catch sight of
I espied her around the corner of the building
gratuitous ✨
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done without good reason; uncalled for
the film was criticized for its gratuitous voilence
obviate ✨
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remove (a need or difficulty), preclude
the presence of roller blinds obviated the need for curtains
preclude ✨
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prevent from happening; make impossible
The secret nature of Alia’s work precluded official recognition
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trick, an action intended to deceive someone
Annalise tried to think of a ruse to get Nate out of prision
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a cunning plan or action designed to turn a situation to one’s advantage
the president had dismissed the referendum as a ploy to buy time
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secretly allow something immoral, illegal, or harmful to occur,
she connived with a senior official to rig the election results
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charm or enchant, often in a deceptive way; allure
he had beguiled the voters with his good looks
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stern or gloomy in manner or appearance
the city, drab and dour by the day, transforms at the night
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sullen and ill-tempered
morose and silent when she got back home
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bad-tempered and sulky
a sullen pout
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having or showing an irritable disposition
I’d rather figure out things on my own than ask that peevish librarian for help
saturnine ✨
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a saturnine temperament, Living on Saturn would make me saturnine
asinine ✨
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extremely stupid or foolish
it is surprising that supposedly intelligent people can make such asinine statements
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silly and pointless
a fatuous comment
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lacking sense or meaning; silly
don’t badger people with inane questions
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clumsy and unintelligent, stupid
oafish behaviour
debase ✨
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degrade, devalue
he won’t debase himself by doing manual labour
warp ✨
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make or become bent or twisted out of shape, typically as a result of heat or damp
moisture had warped the box
exhort ✨
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strongly urge or encourage
Anku has always exhorted me to persue a carrer in fashion
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instruct or urge someone to do something
the code enjoined people to dress appropriately
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coax, cajole (persuade using flattery)
she wheedled her way on to the guest list
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secular- not belonging to any one religion
in temporal countries, the diversity of culture is more important
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shrewd, acute, showing good judgement
an astute awareness of changing fashionsu
perspicacious ✨
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having a ready insight into and understanding of things
the brilliant lawyer was known for his perspicacious deductions
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wise, judicious, sagacious, sage
no prudent money manager would authorize a loan without first knowing its purpose
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a learned person, intellectual, scholar, sage
life gave him what he wanted, and he emerged as a business savant
impolitic ✨
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failing to possess or display prudence, unwise
it was impolitic to not attend that show
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firmly established and difficult or unlikely to change; ingrained
an entrenched resistance to change
congenital ✨
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inborn, innate
a cogenital liar
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spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of
your bribing habits, vitiates the child
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hallmark, landmark, milestone
these works were a watershed in the history of music
desultory ✨
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lacking a plan, purpose or plan
the students were confused by the teacher’s desultory lecture which seemed to have no real focus
expurgate ✨
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remove matter thought to be objectionable or unsuitable from a text or account
the beeped out words on the television have been expurgated
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obtain something by force threat or other unfair means
he attempted to extort money from the company
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persuade someone not to take a particular course or action
his friends tried to dissuade him from doing drugs
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provoke or annoy to stimulate an action or reaction
when goaded beyond endurance, she hit him
entreaty ✨
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an earnest or humble request
the king turned a deaf ear to his entreaties
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entreaty, beseech
importune ✨
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harass persistently for or to do something
after i importuned for several days, my dad let me go on the trip
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entreat, beseech, implore
untenable ✨
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This argument is clearly untenable
punctilious ✨
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meticulous, conscientious, showing great attention to detail or correct behaviour
He was punctilious in providing every amenity for his guests
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scrupulous, punctilious, painstaking, very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail
I dress with fastidious care
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a person who insists on absolute adherence to traditional rules or structures, specially in language or style
scrupulous ✨
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careful, thorough, and extremely attentive to details
the research has been carried out with scrupulous attention to details
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candor, frank, direct
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filled or well-supplied with something
sensational popular fiction, replete with adultery and sudden death
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a person who insists on a certain quality or type of behaviour
he’s a stickler for accuracy
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fussy or pedantic fault-finding
nitpicking over tiny details
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understood or implied without being stated
your silence may be taken to mean tacit agreement
insinuate ✨
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imply, hint, suggest
the article insinuated that he was having an affair
innuendo ✨
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an allusive or oblique remark or hint, typically a suggestive or disparaging one
she’s always making sly innuendoes
allude ✨
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refer to something indirectly
try not to allude to this matter in his presence
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colossal, behemoth
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huge person or thing
it’s hard for BING to compete with the behemoth search engines like Google
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humongous, monumental
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titanic, gargantuan, colossal, voluminous
he impressed everyone with his prodigious memory
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marginal, minute, token, negligible
his account offers a paltry 1% return on his investments
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unimportant or trivial
expatiate 💥
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speak or write in detail about
she expatiated on working-class novelists
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express one’s opinions in a pompous and dogmatic way
she was pontificating about art and history
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a long debate, discussion or lecture; dissertation
a discourse on issues of gender and sexuality
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exaggerated or pompous speech intended to impress
his offers of compromise were mere rhetoric
misnomer ✨
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a wrong or inaccurate name or designation
villa was a misnomer- the place was no more than a suburban flat
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carry out clumsily or incompetently; botch, tactless
she had bungled every attempt to help
agnostic ✨
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one who doesn’t know whether god exists
proselytize ✨
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convert or attempt to convert someone from one religion, belief or opinion to another
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juxtaposed, sharing a common border; touching
the southern ocean is contiguous with the atlantic
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be next to or have a common boundary with; contiguous
gardens abutting the streets
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obliterate, annihilate, eradicate
she tried her best to efface the memory from her mind
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obliterate, annihilate
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efface, expunge, obliterate, annihilate
the wolves were extripated from New England more than a century ago
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ineradicable, ineffaceable, unexpungeable, permanent
the story made an indelible impression on me
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extripate, expunge, efface, obliterate, annihilate
villages were razed to the ground
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minute, miniscule
an infinitesimal pause
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infinitesimal, minuscule
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a thing or person upholding or defending an attitude, principle etc
Hollywood has long been considered a bastion of liberal activism
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strengthen, buttress, bolster
they fortified the area against attack

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