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Frage American English Antworten American English
What does the HR Manager suggest doing for the upcoming initiative?
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To designate a person to a position or task.
HR Manager: "We need to 'Appoint' a project lead for the upcoming initiative. Consider team members' skills and availability."
Inventory Manager: "Certain raw materials are 'Scarce' in the market. Explore alternative suppliers to ensure a steady production flow."
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In short supply; insufficient or not abundant.
Inventory Manager: "Certain raw materials are '____________________' in the market. Explore alternative suppliers to ensure a steady production flow."
preferably with
Manager: "We're looking for candidates with experience, and 'Preferably With' a background in project management."
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Desirable if accompanied by a particular condition or quality.
Manager: "We're looking for candidates with experience, and '____________________' a background in project management."
get exposure
How can new artists promote their work?
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To gain visibility or attention
New artists can get exposure by showcasing their work on social media and participating in local art shows.
Procurement Officer: "Our 'Procurement' team is working to secure favorable contracts for the upcoming fiscal year."
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The process of obtaining goods, services, or supplies, typically for an organization.
Procurement Officer: "Our '____________________' team is working to secure favorable contracts for the upcoming fiscal year."
rely heavily on
IT Director: "Our IT infrastructure 'Rely Heavily On' reliable backup systems. Let's ensure regular testing and maintenance for optimal performance."
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To depend or count on something or someone to a great extent.
IT Director: "Our IT infrastructure '____________________' reliable backup systems. Let's ensure regular testing and maintenance for optimal performance."
Have you ever received a substantial raise at work?
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Large in size, amount, or importance; significant.
Yes, I received a substantial raise at work after completing a major project successfully.
most overused words
What did the editor suggest about your writing?
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Words that are used too frequently, often losing their impact.
The editor suggested that I avoid using the most overused words to make my writing more engaging and fresh.
on a given
Project Manager: "The requirements may vary 'On a Given' project. Let's customize our approach based on the unique characteristics of each task."
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In a particular or specified situation or context.
Project Manager: "The requirements may vary '____________________' project. Let's customize our approach based on the unique characteristics of each task."
set aside time
How do you manage to complete all your tasks?
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To allocate or reserve a specific amount of time for a particular purpose.
i set aside time each day specifically for completing my most important tasks without distractions.
participate voluntarily
HR Coordinator: "Employees can participate 'Voluntarily' in the upcoming charity event. Let's encourage a strong turnout for a good cause."
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Acting or done willingly and without external influence; by choice.
HR Coordinator: "Employees can participate '____________________' in the upcoming charity event. Let's encourage a strong turnout for a good cause."
be affected in some way
Analyst: "Changes in market trends can 'Be Affected in Some Way' by economic fluctuations. Stay informed to make informed business decisions."
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To experience an impact or influence, even if indirectly.
Analyst: "Changes in market trends can '____________________' by economic fluctuations. Stay informed to make informed business decisions."
Did your vacation plans coincide with your friend’s schedule?
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To occur at the same time
Yes, my vacation plans coincided perfectly with my friend’s schedule, so we were able to travel together.
What are the potential risks of the decision?
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Putting something or someone at risk or in danger of harm.
The decision is jeopardizing our financial stability and reputation in the market.
Project Lead: "Allocate a 'Sizable' budget for the upcoming project to ensure we have the necessary resources for successful implementation."
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Of considerable size or extent; substantial.
Project Lead: "Allocate a '____________________' budget for the upcoming project to ensure we have the necessary resources for successful implementation."
Can you share a brief, wise saying?
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A concise statement that expresses a general truth or principle.
One of my favorite aphorisms is “Actions speak louder than words.”
Project Manager: "The data migration process is 'Time-Consuming.' Allocate additional resources and plan accordingly to meet the deadline."
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Requiring a significant amount of time to complete or accomplish.
Project Manager: "The data migration process is '____________________.' Allocate additional resources and plan accordingly to meet the deadline."
She was *neglecting* her health by not exercising regularly
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to fail to care for something properly.
She was *neglecting* her health by not exercising regularly
Have you ever found yourself in a situation of grave peril?
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Serious and immediate danger or risk.
Yes, I once found myself in a situation of grave peril while hiking in the mountains during a sudden thunderstorm.
boxed in
Team Lead: "Our current project schedule has us 'Boxed In.' Let's brainstorm solutions to meet the deadlines without compromising quality."
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To be confined or restricted, often in a challenging situation with limited options.
Team Lead: "Our current project schedule has us '____________________.' Let's brainstorm solutions to meet the deadlines without compromising quality."

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