The salmon was accompanied by a fresh green salad. Lernen beginnen
She had her sweter on inside out. Lernen beginnen
na odwrót / na "lewą stronę"
She swayed gently back and forth to the music. Lernen beginnen
The surgeon operated on a famous singer yesterday. Lernen beginnen
Chirurg zoperował wczoraj sławną piosenkarkę.
She's been complaining of a bad luck recently. Lernen beginnen
I think the loud music brought my headache on. Lernen beginnen
World War II broke out in 1939. Lernen beginnen
II wojna światowa wybuchła w 1939 r.
She hasn't come round from the anaesthetic yet. Lernen beginnen
They said the operation had been successful and they expected his wife to pull through. Lernen beginnen
They decided to put down their old dog because he was feeling worse and worse. Lernen beginnen
zabić, pozbyć się (np. chorego zwierzęcia)
I don't feel up to going out tonight. Lernen beginnen
Most patients find that the numbness from the injection wears off after about an hour. Lernen beginnen
She goes to her doctor for regular check-ups. Lernen beginnen
She was given a shot of morphine to relieve the pain. Lernen beginnen
I'm feeling a bit feverish - I hope it's not the start of the flu. Lernen beginnen
I had a lot of dental problems in the past and that's why I had my teeth filled. Lernen beginnen
mieć wypełnienie do zębów
My doctor said I was looking run-down. Lernen beginnen
We've discovered that our house isn't plumbed correctly./ I think we can plumb the new bath into the existing pipes. Lernen beginnen
zaopatrzyć w dopływ wody, połączyć z rurami
After disinfecting the wound, put on it a gauze dressing. Lernen beginnen
Po dezynfekcji rany załóż na nią opatrunek z gazy.
She was carried off the track on a stretcher. Lernen beginnen
If you have a throat ache, you might try some lozenges. Lernen beginnen
They said they sent troops in to liberate the people from a dictator. Lernen beginnen
He always tries to outdo everybody in the class. Lernen beginnen
After a heart attack you have to be careful not to overdo sugar. Lernen beginnen
przedobrzyć, przesadzać z czymś
I can't get the cork out of the bottle - can you uncork it? Lernen beginnen
do wina
He had expected her to be horrified, but she was actually very understanding. Lernen beginnen
They feared that the loss would bankrupt them. Lernen beginnen
Fertlizier helps to enrich the soil. Lernen beginnen
How do you measure the thickness of paper?, Just feel the thickness of this carpet! Lernen beginnen
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surgical procedures, surgical gloves Lernen beginnen
People can become infected after eating raw or undercooked meat. Lernen beginnen
Be careful how you approach her - she is very temperamental. Lernen beginnen
łatwo podający się emocjom
I don't trust her - I suspect she is a bit two-faced. Lernen beginnen
He's at that impressionable age when he's very easily led by other children. Lernen beginnen
podatny na wpływ innych osób
My diets are never successful - I'm just too weak-willed. Lernen beginnen
He's being very secretive about his new girlfriend. Lernen beginnen
happy, well-balanced children Lernen beginnen
an unscrupulous financial adviser Lernen beginnen
In the movie "Cape Fear", a lawyer's family is threatened by a vindictive former prisoner. Lernen beginnen
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traktujący wszystkich równo
As a hot-headed, hot - blooded youth, he still had much to learn. Lernen beginnen
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The public's response to the crisis appeal was generous and compassionate. Lernen beginnen
My dog is a little timid - especially around other dogs. Lernen beginnen
Even the rain failed to dampen his irrepressible spirits. Lernen beginnen
He's so impetuous - why can't he think things through before he rushes into them? Lernen beginnen
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The interview showed her as a self-assured and mature student. Lernen beginnen
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energiczny, pełen energii
My brother is very snobbish about cars. Lernen beginnen
The women in the story are petty and hateful. Lernen beginnen
I stayed until the end out of sheer obstinacy. / His colleagues find his stubborness difficult to deal with. Lernen beginnen
His face went red with shyness when he walked into the crowded room./ We couldn't overcome our timidity to say that we loved each other. Lernen beginnen
His snobbishness is worrying - he's thinking only about money! Lernen beginnen
He acted out of sheer meanness. Lernen beginnen
His pomposity and arrogance became clear in the interview. Lernen beginnen
In a moment of rashness, I agreed to go skydiving for charity. Lernen beginnen
He is keenly aware of the sheer pettiness that can be the only revenge of unhappy people. Lernen beginnen
agressiveness - poprawna wersja There were concerns about the child's disruptiveness and aggressiveness. Lernen beginnen
His possessiveness makes all his employees worry about their jobs. Lernen beginnen
He had a natural cheerfulness and vivacity that made him an exceedingly pleasant companion. Lernen beginnen
A lot more frankness is needed in sex education if we are to reduce the number of teenage pregnancies. Lernen beginnen
She’s an extrovert who exudes self-assurance. Lernen beginnen
He doesn't have the humility to admit when he's wrong. Lernen beginnen
Our students have many different nationalities, religions, and ethnicities. Lernen beginnen
The two concepts are quite distinct (from each other)./ There's a distinct smell of cigarettes in here. Lernen beginnen
odrębny/ zauważalny, charakterystyczny
The four Snake River dams are used primarily to create reservoirs for water. Lernen beginnen
This is the bustling commercial quarter of the city. Lernen beginnen
an area of a town where a particular group of people live or work or where a particular activity happens:
a sheer drop of 100 metres Lernen beginnen
a plaited leather bracelet/belt/ She usually wears her hair in a plait/in two plaits. Lernen beginnen
The old cottage had bow windows and a thatched roof made out of straw. Lernen beginnen
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Liquids are often transported in various tankers. Lernen beginnen
The family lived in a one-room shack. Lernen beginnen
The car skidded off the road and fell into a ditch full of muddy water. Lernen beginnen
Every fall we have to clean leaves out of the gutters./ Born to a poverty-stricken family, she dragged herself out of the gutter to become a successful business owner. Lernen beginnen
The pointed steeple of the church could be seen from miles away. Lernen beginnen
The house possesses extensive grounds with gardens, tennis-courts and an orchard. Lernen beginnen
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a path or road between or over mountains:
Japanese cars have flooded the market. Lernen beginnen
to fill or enter a place in large numbers or amounts
You can't sit on the fence any longer - you have to decide whose side you're on. Lernen beginnen
opóźniać podjęcie decyzji
World leaders will meet next week for their annual economic summit. Lernen beginnen
ważne spotkanie przywódców państw ("szczyt")
There has been a steady stream of phone calls from worried customers. Lernen beginnen
I didn't know what to say - I was completely floored. Lernen beginnen
zaskoczony, skonfundowany
From that day forth he never drank again. Lernen beginnen
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The council has some spare cash, which it proposes to spend on public amenities. Lernen beginnen
We asked for adjoining rooms. Lernen beginnen
przylegający, będący obok
We went up on top to where you could have your dog walked by a bellboy. Lernen beginnen
The singer was interviewed in his hotel suite. Lernen beginnen
Doormen catch many fake ID holders by making them sign their name or asking their birth date to compare with what's on the ID. Lernen beginnen
The chambermaids change the towels every day. Lernen beginnen
to play the fiddle/ to play the violin Lernen beginnen
I sometimes wonder why he does not bring his bagpipes and play them to us instead of speaking Lernen beginnen
narodowy instrument szkocki (dudy)
a sax player; The performer was filmed simultaneously by two cameras while playing a straight soprano saxophone. Lernen beginnen
A flute is a musical instrument of the woodwind family. Lernen beginnen
I like to play trumpet after school. Lernen beginnen
His show consists of jokes, accordion playing, and wordless singing. Lernen beginnen
My girlfriend plays the cello./ a cellist with the Chicago Symphony Lernen beginnen
As he showed me out of his house he gestured towards two grand pianos side by side in the room where he worked. Lernen beginnen
He's the only one left who can play harmonica like that. Lernen beginnen
It was a big surprise to suddenly hear the tambourine. Lernen beginnen
timpani However, like writing music for the harp or timpani, one simply cannot ignore the acoustics of the instrument. Lernen beginnen
Horn is a curved metal musical instrument that is narrow at the end you blow into and much wider at the other end. Lernen beginnen
The harp was replaced in performance by a bass lute. Lernen beginnen
Their sound was multi-instrumental, with traditional - flute, mandolin,- meeting with rock instrumentation - guitar, bass, drums, keyboards and vocals Lernen beginnen
He played the oboe and piano and sang in choirs. Lernen beginnen
A recorder is a wooden or plastic musical instrument in the shape of a pipe. Lernen beginnen
The main orchestral brass instruments are the horn, trumpet, trombone, and tuba. Lernen beginnen
Tuba is an instrument similar to trombone. Lernen beginnen
Balalaika is a type of musical instrument with a three-sided body and three strings, played especially in Russia. Lernen beginnen
It consisted of piano, violin, drums and two banjos! Lernen beginnen
Bassoon is a large musical instrument that is played by blowing into a long, curved tube. Lernen beginnen
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Clappers are instruments used by children. Lernen beginnen
The mist was gone and the orchestral music breathed on, sonorous and ethereal, crashing on the metallic cymbals. Lernen beginnen
A contrabassist started to play double bass at the concert. Lernen beginnen
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Popular instruments used in the performance of the music are the drums, cuatro, maracas, guitar and steel drum. Lernen beginnen
Electronic organs are much smaller and cheaper than pipe organs. Lernen beginnen
Snare drum is essentially important instrument in many metal songs. Lernen beginnen
Tinkling of the triangle could be heard at the play. Lernen beginnen
If your birthday is January 22 then your star sign is Aquarius. Lernen beginnen
My boyfriend is an Aries. Lernen beginnen
If your birthday is July 10 then your zodiac sign is Cancer. Lernen beginnen
She was born on Christmas Eve, 24 December, so her zodiac sign is Capricorn. Lernen beginnen
Koziorożec (znak zodiaku)
My mother is a talkative, sociable Gemini. Lernen beginnen
They were both born under the sign of Leo. Lernen beginnen
If your birthday is at the end of September, your zodiac sign is Libra. Lernen beginnen
She was born in March, under the sign of Pisces. Lernen beginnen
Sagittarius (zodiac sign) He was born under the sign of Sagittarius. Lernen beginnen
My birthday is 5 November so I'm a Scorpio. Lernen beginnen
Born in May, his zodiac sign is Taurus. Lernen beginnen
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I keep my socks in the bottom drawer. Lernen beginnen
Put the steaks in the freezer. / chest freezer Lernen beginnen
Fill a large pot with salted water and bring it to the boil. Lernen beginnen
tin opener (br.) / can opener (am.) A tin opener is a useful device for opening tins of food. Lernen beginnen
otwieracz do puszek/ konserw
Every bakery should have a bread cutter in its equipment. Lernen beginnen
Put both cake tins in the oven for half an hour. Lernen beginnen
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Big chopping knife is a basic attribute of Dr. Mundo. Lernen beginnen
When you eat sushi, it's best to use special chopsticks. Lernen beginnen
cutting board / chopping board A cutting board should be a part of every cook's equipment. Lernen beginnen
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Rolling pin is needed when you want to prepare some cookies. Lernen beginnen
Made in England from solid ash, the collection also features a dining table and a sideboard. Lernen beginnen
Baking sleeve is used while roasting some meat. Lernen beginnen
Using biscuit cutter is not so simple as it might seem. Lernen beginnen
a sugar sifter; a flour sifter Lernen beginnen
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garlic press - garlic squeezer a garlic/trouser/wine press Lernen beginnen
Just one scoop of mashed potato for me, please.; an ice-cream scoop Lernen beginnen
gałka; maszyna do nakładania w gałkach
Mandoline slicer is sometimes used when we want to chop some vegetables. Lernen beginnen
Lemon squeezer is used to obtain fresh lemon juice straight from the fruits. Lernen beginnen
mincer (br.) / meat chopper (am.) It is like a food machine: more meat is put into the mincer, and understandably more comes out. Lernen beginnen
A meat tenderizer, meat mallet, or meat pounder is a hand-powered tool used to tenderize slabs of meat in preparation for cooking. Lernen beginnen
a vegetable/potato peeler Lernen beginnen
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Spice racks can be stylish and useful parts of every kitchen. Lernen beginnen
If you want to prepare a good scrumbled eggs, you have to use a whisk. Lernen beginnen
worktop / work surface / countertop / counter Plastic coated worktops are easy to keep clean. Lernen beginnen
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I made myself a large mug of cocoa (= enough to fill a mug) and went to bed. Lernen beginnen
Light refreshments will be available at the back of the hall. Lernen beginnen
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A waffle with whipped cream is my favourite treat. Lernen beginnen
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słodka bułka / drożdżówka
Potatoes, aubergines, green and red peppers and green tomatoes contain glyco alkaloids. Lernen beginnen
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Sprinkle the breadcrumbs over the mixture before baking. Lernen beginnen
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We find listed rolled oats, breakfast cereals, rice, custard powder and various kinds of biscuits, including crispbread. Lernen beginnen
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A porridge is very nutritious meal. Lernen beginnen
cutlet Aloo means potato, and the word tikki means a small cutlet or croquette. Lernen beginnen
For the second layer, mix the custard powder and milk. Lernen beginnen
do jedzenia
I was advised not to eat too much dairy. Lernen beginnen
Leave the turkey to rest for 30 minutes or so while you make the gravy. Lernen beginnen
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He doesn't like a hot curry - he prefers a mild one. Lernen beginnen
Those bananas aren't ripe yet - they're still green. Lernen beginnen
Sponge cake is the basis for all other cakes. Lernen beginnen
She was carrying a tray of drinks. Lernen beginnen
Would you like oil and vinegar on your salad? Lernen beginnen
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Cider is an alcohol made from apples. Lernen beginnen
sprinkle the crumble over the cake. Lernen beginnen
Have you ever eaten rhubarb crumble? Lernen beginnen
Date palm is a tall palm tree which bears clusters of dates, native to western Asia and North Africa. Lernen beginnen
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On the whole, I like dry wine better than sweet. Lernen beginnen
Internet is full of recipes for the fruitcake. Lernen beginnen
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Margarine is often used instead of butter. Lernen beginnen
Ann makes delicious pastry - you should try her apple pie./ We were offered a selection of cakes and pastries with our tea. Lernen beginnen
ciasto (np. na makaron)/ ciastko
I prefer rare steak rather than fried steak. Lernen beginnen
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soy milk/burgers/margarine Lernen beginnen
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I'd like a chocolate sundae and an answer to a question. Lernen beginnen
Sprinkle over the chopped parsley, thyme and tarragon then drizzle over the olive oil. Lernen beginnen
It is made from onions, lamb chops, dry white wine, tarragon leaves, garlic and salt. Lernen beginnen
Don't throw your apple core on the floor! Lernen beginnen
The sauces are made of several ingredients including chili, onion, red and green tomatoes, and coriander. Lernen beginnen
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If you don't put the top back on that bottle of beer, it will go flat. Lernen beginnen
The meat is cubed with the bone and seasoned with pasilla, thyme, marjoram and garlic. Lernen beginnen
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Grate some nutmeg on top of the pudding. Lernen beginnen
Why is a pomegranate an apple? Lernen beginnen
Puff pastry is called in Polish "French pastry" and I don't know why it is so. Lernen beginnen
My steak was beautifully tender. Lernen beginnen
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American: beet Lernen beginnen
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The captain didn't see any passengers waiting for the ferry, so he sailed past the jetty. Lernen beginnen
We strolled along on the promenade eating ice creams. Lernen beginnen
You don't need green fingers to fill your home with lush leaves. Lernen beginnen
I tried to ask her out, but I got cold feet. Lernen beginnen
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Subpoeans were issued to several government employees. Lernen beginnen
Before the court case, we had to file/give a deposition. Lernen beginnen
a formal written statement made or used in a law court zeznanie pod przysięgą
Cook until all the liquid is absorbed and the groats are cooked through and tender. Lernen beginnen
There is no problem as regards the financial arrangements. Lernen beginnen
co się tyczy, w związku z
She was gazing out the window, rocking rhythmically to and fro., Outside my door I could hear people walking to and fro. Lernen beginnen
He died of a heart attack while at the controls of the plane. Lernen beginnen
jakiegoś pojazdu, maszyny
The dead man's wife and children were the chief mourners. Lernen beginnen
People would break off their conversations when she came into the room. Lernen beginnen
przestać coś robić, szczególnie mówić
Lernen beginnen
She's always on the run and never has time for chat. / After a month on the run, the prisoners were finally recaptured by the police. Lernen beginnen
"w biegu" / unikać bycia złapanym przez policję
No one knows who robbed the bank, but the police suspect that it may have been an inside job. Lernen beginnen
przestępstwo (szczególnie kradzież) popełnione przez kogoś pracującego w danym miejscu
He has a fairly positive outlook on life./ The outlook for the economy is bleak. Lernen beginnen
nastawienie, pogląd/ prawdopodobna przyszłość
The look this year will be relaxed and casual. / They liked the look of the hotel, but it was too expensive. Lernen beginnen
prudential judgement, a prudential approach Lernen beginnen
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owoc, warzywo w cieście naleśnikowym na głębokim tłuszczu
I took my clothes to a local dry cleaner's. Lernen beginnen
K2 is commonly sold in head shops as incense. Lernen beginnen
I just need one sprig of rosemary. Lernen beginnen
Potrzebuję jedynie gałązki rozmarynu.
What a dweeb! Why doesn't she dump him? Lernen beginnen
You're not gonna zonk out after smoking that bowl, are you? Lernen beginnen
z przemęczenia, pod wpływem alkoholu, narkotyków
One of the bigger boys tries to mount but gets stuck with one leg over a pinto’s rear. Lernen beginnen
a horse or pony of various breeding that is marked with patches of white and another color
Black pudding is added in some regions as well as fried leftover mashed potatoes called potato cakes or hash browns. Lernen beginnen
lesbian - slang (offensive) They built a temporary dike of sandbags to keep the river from flooding the town. Lernen beginnen
lesbijka - slang
Don't be an updyke, vandalism is not cool.; I can't believe you just said you hate a university, you didn't even graduate from high school. You're such an updyke. Lernen beginnen
An updyke is a type of white trash redneck that is particularly unsuccessful in life, has an inferiority complex and is very angry and bitter towards others.
a camouflage jacket; The lizard's light brown skin acts as (a) camouflage in the desert sand.; The troops had camouflaged themselves so effectively that the enemy didn't notice them approaching. Lernen beginnen
Italy’s largest opera house—and one of the puppet theaters, where swashbuckling marionettes continue a 200-year-old tradition. Lernen beginnen
In total, more than 400 species - whales, dolphins, manatees, herons, egrets, etc. - were endangered. Lernen beginnen
Female narwhals and belugas are similar in size and shape, and could easily be mistaken for one another. Lernen beginnen
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The flashmob video reached two million views within in 5 days of its release. Lernen beginnen
a group of people who arrange, by email or mobile phone, to come together in a place at the same time, do something funny or silly, and then leave
Today krill is consumed by an increased abundance of smaller whales (minkes), seals (notably the crabeater seal) and seabirds (notably several penguin species), plus humans. Lernen beginnen
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old-fashioned informal And because you are such a sport I'll give you also a special tote bag. Lernen beginnen
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torba na zakupy wielokrotnego użytku
The partitions between the toilets were very thin., Ireland was partitioned in 1921. Lernen beginnen
From the 1850s, there was an ever growing demand for toys. Lernen beginnen
rosnący bez końca, bez przerwy
person can intend to do sth, thing can be intended We intend to go to Australia next year., The course is intended for intermediate-level students. Lernen beginnen
to have as a plan or purpose
She's an attorney who advises companies about mergers and takeovers. Lernen beginnen
an occasion when two or more companies or organizations join together to make one larger company:
Out of 20,000 residents in the area, the malariologists examined only about 5,000 blood preparations and 3,000 spleens. Lernen beginnen
a film or television show made in the style of a documentary to make invented events seem real The series is presented in mockumentary style and draws parallels between human and animal worlds. Lernen beginnen
No one tried to sugarcoat it: bronze wasn't the medal the US team had come for. Lernen beginnen
to make something seem more positive or pleasant than it really is:
He amazed them all by making dead-on predictions.; "Is that a fair assessment?" "I think that's absolutely dead-on." Lernen beginnen
completely accurate or correct:
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In addition, Oakland officials have focused their homelessness strategy on building community cabin sites, which are made of drywall, are insulated and have double-pane windows. Lernen beginnen
She tried to make amends by inviting him out to dinner.; I wanted to make amends for the worry I've caused you. Lernen beginnen
to do something good to show that you are sorry about something you have done:
factory/branch closures; Many elderly people will be affected by the library closures. Lernen beginnen
the fact of a business, organization, etc. stopping operating:
The chair back and headrest are identical in proportion, as are the seat and the ottoman. Lernen beginnen
A nearly empty whisky bottle was found in the glove compartment of his lorry. Lernen beginnen
informal They went on a bender for two days after they won the championship. Lernen beginnen
a period during which a large amount of alcohol is drunk:
The butterflies use passion flowers (Passiflora) as host plants - a diet that makes caterpillars and adults distasteful to predators. / He found the subject of their conversation very distasteful. Lernen beginnen
plural: cuttlefish/ cuttlefishes Cephalopods (octopus, squids, and cuttlefish), despite a very advanced evolution of their visual system, were not able to evolve a large brain. Lernen beginnen
In the early 21st century, kettle corn made a comeback in America, especially at 19th-century living history events. Lernen beginnen
sweet-and-salty variety of popcorn that is typically mixed or seasoned with a light-colored refined sugar, salt, and oil
The police have reassured witnesses that they will be guaranteed anonymity. Lernen beginnen
także: weathercock American folk art — paintings by itinerant artists, old signs, weather vanes, ship figureheads — was new to the art market. Lernen beginnen
But what about insects that don't make any noise, like the dragonfly? Lernen beginnen
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It is made by freezing flavored liquid such as sugar water, fruit juice or purée inside a plastic casing or tube, either round or flat.
The salad servers are 7.50 a pair, the plates 19.95 and 8.95. Lernen beginnen
Wow, did you hear the set of pipes on that little boy? He sounds like a professional opera singer. Lernen beginnen
A very good or highly developed singing voice.
mainly US She pitched her idea to me over a business lunch.; They are pitching for business at the moment. Lernen beginnen
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Crotchless underwear has no part covering the area where your legs join at the top.
Enrique had a nasty bump on his head from when he fell down. Lernen beginnen
I gave him a sniff of smelling salts to bring him around. Lernen beginnen
ocucić, przywrócić świadomość
He comes out with the strangest things! Lernen beginnen
to say something suddenly and unexpectedly:
He’s just not cut out for politics. Lernen beginnen
to be the right type of person for a particular job or activity: