1 - past simple - Utworz przeczenia z podanych zdan - poziom 2

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Frage American English Antworten American English
I woke up at seven o’clock.
Lernen beginnen
I didn’t wake up at seven o’clock.
I took a shower before breakfast.
Lernen beginnen
I didn’t take a shower before breakfast.
She went to the movies with her friends.
Lernen beginnen
She didn’t go to the movies with her friends.
I saw Christine at the party on Saturday.
Lernen beginnen
I didn’t see Christine at the party on Saturday.
John and Sarah were in Japan last year.
Lernen beginnen
John and Sarah weren’t in Japan last year.
You were very nice to your grandparents.
Lernen beginnen
You weren’t very nice to your grandparents.
They were always kind and generous.
Lernen beginnen
They weren’t always kind and generous.
He was able to get the airline tickets at a discount.
Lernen beginnen
He wasn’t able to get the airline tickets at a discount.
He did his laundry on Friday.
Lernen beginnen
He didn't do his laundry on Friday.
We were supposed to bring coffee.
Lernen beginnen
We weren't supposed to bring coffee.

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