1. NEW THINGS (Pronunciation)

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Frage English Antworten English
Lernen beginnen
Underline the main stressed syllables in each sentence.
Can you tell me why you are studying English?
Lernen beginnen
tell, why, stu, En
Do you have any idea how long you plan to study?
Lernen beginnen
idea, plan, stu
Can I ask what you do in the evenings?
Lernen beginnen
ask, do, e(venings)
Do you mind me asking if you have a full-time job?
Lernen beginnen
as, full-time job
I'd be interested to know which countries you've visited.
Lernen beginnen
in, know, coun, vi
Could you tell me where you got that watch?
Lernen beginnen
tell, where, wa
Do you know if there's a good café anywhere near here?
Lernen beginnen
know, ca, here
I was wondering if you'd like to come for a coffee.
Lernen beginnen
won, come, co
The main stressed words are always the ones that carry the message,
Lernen beginnen
i.e. if the other words weren't there, the message could still be understood.
Lernen beginnen
Underline the stressed syllables in the adjectives and phrases that describe feelings in Exercise 1 C, page 11.
Lernen beginnen
whished the earth would swallow me up
Lernen beginnen
earth, swa, up
over the moon
Lernen beginnen
o, moon
made my stomach turn
Lernen beginnen
sto, turn
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
shaking like a leaf
Lernen beginnen
sha, leaf
scared out of my wits
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Underline two stressed words; Circle have/has where a is weakened; show linking between a final consonant and an initial vowel.
Have you tried it before?
Lernen beginnen
tried, before; have; d+it
I've thought about it a lot.
Lernen beginnen
thought, lot; t+it, t+a
Has he seen my last email?
Lernen beginnen
has; seen, email; t+e
She's changed her address.
Lernen beginnen
changed, address; r+a
My kids have gone out.
Lernen beginnen
have; kids, out; ne+o
Has she phoned anyone yet?
Lernen beginnen
has; phoned, yet; d+a
Lernen beginnen
The tendency is for the intonation to go down and then up at the end of questions and to go down on other types of sentences.

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