1.3. Some management gurus

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management guru
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a person with knowledge or expertise who becomes an intellectual guide for others in a particular aspect of the field
management consultant
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someone who advises people on management issues for a fee
scientific management
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the rationalization and standardization of work through division of labour, time and motion studies, work measurement, and piece rate wages, as defined by US engineer Frederic Winslow Taylor
management concept
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an idea or principle connected with something abstract concerning management
administrative management
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related to businesses' managerial roles and administrative functions, as defined by French engineer, Henri Fayol
examine the organization ____ environment
Managers must/need to...
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draw up ______ plans
Managers must/need to...
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_____ and set an example for their stuff
Managers must/need to...
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clarify the ____ and _____ of the organization's teams and individuals
Managers must/need to...
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roles, responsibilities
production _____
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______ of scientific theory/
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______ of scientific theory of management
____ production
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optimim____ rates
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greater ____
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production _____
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to ____ the major share
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to ____ the major share
those who develop and use knowledge in the worplace
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knowledge workers
______ of the role of management
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the manufacturing and ____ industries
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_____ sector
include public goods and governmental services such as the military, law enforcement, infrastructure
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Seminal works
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Seminal works, sometimes called pivotal or landmark studies, are articles that initially presented an idea of great importance or influence within a particular discipline.

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