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take someone/something for granted
He spends all his time at work and takes his family for granted.
Lernen beginnen
brać coś/kogoś za pewnik
take something as read
I just took it as read that anyone who applied for the course would have the necessary qualifications.
Lernen beginnen
przyjąć coś za pewnik (że napewno jest prawdą)
to cut straight to the chase
I didn’t have long to talk so I cut straight to the chase and asked how much it would cost.
Lernen beginnen
przejść do sedna sprawy
to foil an attempt
Several attempts to climb the mountain were foiled by the weather.
Lernen beginnen
udaremnić próbę
to produce from scratch
The chef produces all of his dishes from scratch. You won’t find anything ready-made in his kitchen!
Lernen beginnen
stworzyć od podstaw
to take (something/someone) seriously
These kinds of threats have to be taken seriously.
Lernen beginnen
traktować (coś/kogoś) poważnie
two heads are better than one
We need to work together to figure this out. Two heads are better than one.
Lernen beginnen
co dwie głowy, to nie jedna
come about
How did this extraordinary situation come about?
Lernen beginnen
wydarzyć się, mieć miejsce
come round to
I’m sure he’ll come round to our way of thinking.
Lernen beginnen
przekonać się do (czegoś)
do away with
We should do away with those old customs.
Lernen beginnen
zlikwidować, pozbyć się
get (somebody) out of
The Embassy helped tourists get out of the country safely.
Lernen beginnen
wyciągnąć (kogoś) z (czegoś)
go into
Years of research have gone into this book.
Lernen beginnen
sprowadzać się do
mess about with
Years of research have gone into this book.
Lernen beginnen
babrać się z czymś (problematycznym)
refer to
We agreed never to refer to the matter again.
Lernen beginnen
odnosić się do, wspominać o
run (something) past
I just wanted to run it past you and see what you thought.
Lernen beginnen
skonsultować (coś) z (kimś)

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