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Frage American English Antworten American English
A person feeling DEEP SADNESS after receiving bad news.
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He was filled with SORROW after hearing the bad news.
Stay buried
Discussing secrets that should NEVER BE REVEALED.
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Some secrets are meant to STAY BURIED FOREVER.
Her harsh words really MADE me FEELING EMOTIONAL PAIN
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Her harsh words really STING
A person WALKING WITH CONFIDENCE AND PRIDE around the office after a promotion.
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He was STRUTTING around the office after getting promoted.
stumble over his words
He tends to MAKE MISTAKES when he's nervous.
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He tends to STUMBLE OVER HIS WORDS when he's nervous.
to stump
I was trying to solve that math problem, but it really CONFUSED me!
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I was trying to solve that math problem, but it really STUMPED me!
Deciding that a short summary is ADEQUATE for the report.
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A brief summary will SUFFICE for the report.
to tease us
A movie trailer designed TO CREATE ANTICIPATION AND EXCITEMENT about the upcoming movie.
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The trailer was meant TO TEASE us about the upcoming movie.
think outside the box
Encouraging /CREATIVE and UNCONVENTIONAL thinking/ to solve a problem.
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To solve this problem, we need to THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX.
Utter amazement
BEING COMPLETELY SURPRISED, he solved the puzzle in minutes.
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TO MY UTTER AMAZEMENT, he solved the puzzle in minutes.

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