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Frage American English Antworten American English
Drag on Competition
The unexpected delays and rule changes began to LAST LONGER THAN THE COMPETITION
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The unexpected delays and rule changes began to DRAG ON THE COMPETITION.
The recent lay-offs 'CAUSED TROUBLES' many of our employees, causing stress and uncertainty."
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The recent lay-offs 'AFFLICT' many of our employees, causing stress and uncertainty."
The rising sales numbers are SERVING AS A SIGN of the product’s growing popularity in the market.
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The rising sales numbers are INDICATIVE of the product’s growing popularity in the market.
my smartphone is ESSENTIAL; I rely on it for communication, navigation, and managing my schedule.
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my smartphone is INDISPENSABLE; I rely on it for communication, navigation, and managing my schedule.
Ramp up
The company decided to INCREASE production to meet the increased demand for their products.
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The company decided to RAMP UP production to meet the increased demand for their products.
Set Himself Up
He POSITIONED HIMSELF FOR success in his new business by conducting thorough market research and planning carefully.
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He SET HIMSELF UP for success in his new business by conducting thorough market research and planning carefully.
I’ve dealt with DIFFICULT behavior in a classroom before
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I’ve dealt with UNRULY behavior in a classroom before
I’ve been STUBBORN about a decision when I felt strongly that it was the right choice for me.
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I’ve been ADAMANT about a decision when I felt strongly that it was the right choice for me.
it was an OVERSTEPPING BOUNDS of them assuming they were invited to a private event without confirmation, displaying a lack of proper regard for others.
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it was PRESUMPTUOUS of them assuming they were invited to a private event without confirmation, displaying a lack of proper regard for others.
They faced several obstacles that OBSTRUCT the progress
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They faced several obstacles that IMPEDED their progress.
It was a ESSENTIAL to get a replacement car because my old car broke down and I need reliable transportation for work.
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It was a NECESSITY to get a replacement car because my old car broke down and I need reliable transportation for work.
The new evidence CANCELS out the previous claims made in court.
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The new evidence NULLIFIES the previous claims made in court.
She felt LUCKY to have such supportive friends.
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She felt FORTUNATE to have such supportive friends.
Got Nowhere
I tried talking to him about the issue, but I MADE NO PROGRESS
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I tried talking to him about the issue, but I GOT NOWHERE
Flat Out Lied To Me
I discovered the truth when I realized he had COMPLETLY LIED TO ME about the project timeline.
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I discovered the truth when I realized he had FLAT OUT LIED TO ME about the project timeline.
The success stories of our clients 'DEMONSTRE' the effectiveness of our training program."
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The success stories of our clients 'EXEMPLIFY' the effectiveness of our training program."
We're implementing new policies to 'MAKE' employee stress LESS INTENSE and improve morale.
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We're implementing new policies to 'ALLEVIATE' employee stress and improve morale.
The architecture of the building is UNIQUE.
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The architecture of the building is DISTINCTIVE.

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