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kłaść podwaliny, przygotować grunt, wykonać prace przygotowawcze
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work that is done as a preparation for work that will be done later. The planning committee will lay the groundwork for the conference. Costing 200 million pounds, groundwork began on the site in February. Lay the groundwork/ do the groundwork.
guz, nowotwór (przewaznie mozgu)
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a mass of diseased cells that might become a lump or cause illness. They found a malignant tumour in her breast. a brain tumour
nowotwór łagodny, nowotwór niezłośliwy
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benign tumour
A benign growth is not cancer and is not likely to be harmful
bez szwanku, bez uszczerbku, nietknięty (np. z wypadku)
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without injuries or damage being caused Her husband died in the accident but she, amazingly, escaped unscathed. I came away from the accident unscathed, but the car got badly damaged
zjadliwy, pełen jadu
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full of violent hate and anger: He launched a vitriolic attack on the prime minister, accusing him of shielding corrupt friends. He does not deserve the vitriolic criticism he has received.
kolejny, dalszy, późniejszy, następny
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happening after something else. Everything I do makes me better at each subsequent thing. The book discusses his illness and subsequent resignation from politics.
po czyms (naszym wyjsciu, jakim zdarzeniu)
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subsequent to
Those explosions must have been subsequent to our departure because we didn't hear anything. Subsequent to his promotion Sam submitted his resignation.
następnie, potem, później, w nastepstwie czegos
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In 1982 he was arrested and subsequently convicted on drug trafficking charges. He was badly injured in the crash and subsequently died
udogodnienia, udogodnione dla kogos wyposażenie jakiegos budynku (dla niepelnosprawnych, w pracy)
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public amenities. The council has some spare cash, which it proposes to spend on public amenities. Straus established employee amenities such as restrooms, medical care, and a lunchroom.
pracownik fizyczny, robotnik
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a person who does unskilled physical work, especially outside. agricultural/farm labourers He told reporters they were farm laborers, and he could not say if they had entered the United States legally. a casual/manual labourer
namawiać, przekonywać, perswadować
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If she doesn't want to go, nothing you can say will persuade her. The government is trying to persuade consumers to save more. My family persuaded me to start studying.

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