15 słuchanka Bery

 0    13 Datenblatt    katarzynastasiak09
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parking lot
They left the car at the airport parking lot.
pierwsza klasa
np. w pociągu
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first class
They had first class reservations for flight.
spodziewać się
Lernen beginnen
They weren't expecting to meet Ronny at the airport.
być zaskoczonym
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be surprised
They were surprised to find that their son wasn't at home.
odczuwać zimno
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feel cold
Nigel's wife felt a little cold.
np. ciepła
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The temperature was around 15 degrees.
prosić o pozwolenie
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ask for permission
Nigel asked permission to use the bookshop's telephone and called Ronny's mobile number.
organizator wycieczek, operator turystyczny
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tour operator
Ronny was in a meeting with a tour operator not far from the bookshop.
portier, dozorca
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Ronny said that the porter in his apartment building had a key to his apartment.
wrócić na piechotę
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walk back
Nigel and Margaret walked back to the building.
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They were looking at the shop windows along the street.
witryna sklepowa
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shop window
They spent some time looking at the shop windows along the street.
na lotnisku
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at the airport
They weren't expecting to meet Ronny at the airport.

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