15.02.23 słownictwo

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having or showing a desire to harm somebody or hurt their feelings, caused by a feeling of hate
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(of people) kind and gentle; not hurting anybody
enlarged prostate
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to big prostate
to eradicate
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to destroy or get rid of something completely, especially something bad
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very bad and unacceptable, often in a way that shocks people
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a disease, especially of children, that causes painful swellings at the sides of the face and under the ears
pull somebody’s leg
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(informal) to play a joke on somebody, usually by making them believe something that is not true
let one's hair down
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(informal) to relax and enjoy yourself, especially in a lively way
put one's foot down
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to be very strict in opposing what somebody wishes to do
neck and neck
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level with somebody in a race or competition
keep sb on their toes
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to make sure that somebody is ready to deal with anything that might happen by doing things that they are not expecting
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a person whose job is to take care of a building such as a school or a block of flats or an apartment building
don’t josh me
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osh it means to gently make fun of somebody or talk to them in a joking way;

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