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speszony, zmieszany, zawstydzony Lernen beginnen
It was the first time she had seen him really abashed.
skoczyć, skakać przez coś Lernen beginnen
He vaulted over the fence
Zajęło mi tylko cztery tygodnie, żeby sprawić, byś był bezradny. Lernen beginnen
It took me just four weeks to render you helpless.
Lernen beginnen
The ones that accept government funds are called 'aided' schools.
Lernen beginnen
I tended to my grandmother until the day she died.
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
gorąco, żarliwie, gorliwie Lernen beginnen
I vehemently oppose animal testing
męczyć, dręczyć, torturować Lernen beginnen
This boy always torments other children at school.
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
My date made off after we received the bill
uciec z ukradzioną rzeczą Lernen beginnen
dostrzegać coś, dosłyszeć coś phrasal verb Lernen beginnen
I didn't make out his final words
wymyślić coś, zmyślić coś (z make) Lernen beginnen
I think she made the whole thing up.
Lernen beginnen
I'm sorry you had to wait. How can I make up for that?
nadrobić coś, zrekompensować coś (make) Lernen beginnen
I was absent last week and I have to make up for it.