17. Słówka

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1. a major breakthrough in the fight against cancer. 2. The discovery of the structure of DNA was a major scientific breakthrough.
noun - 1. an important discovery or development that helps solve a problem. 2. a sudden solution of a problem leading to further advances, especially in science.
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noun - 1. He reached his present position through merit. 2. We debated the merits of using television in the classroom.
noun - good qualities that deserve praise.
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zasługa, zaleta
noun - a large underground system of pipes that carries away sewage.
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kanał ściekowy*
An uneasy truce.
noun - an agreement between two enemies to stop fighting for a period of time.
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1. a surge in spending. 2. The stone hit his head and he felt a surge of pain. / a sudden surge of anger.
noun - 1. a large increase in something. 2. a surging movement, or a sudden rush.
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wzrost (np. cen), przypływ lub fala czegoś
In our labs we have tested all of the most popular anti-virus software for compatibility with our products.
noun - a state in which two things are able to exist or occur together without problems or cobflict.
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kompatybilność, zgodność
He seems totally unaware of the problem.
adj - not knowing about something.
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The boy was rebuked by his teacher for cheating in the test.
verb / noun - to speak severely to (a person), because he has done wrong.
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upominać, ganić / upomnienie, nagana
deteriorate / worsen
1. Her condition deteriorated rapidly. / His health has deteriorated recently. / 2. His condition suddenly worsened last week. / The situation has worsened.
verb - 1. to become worse. / 2. to become worse or to make something become worse.
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pogarszać się
swell - swelled - swollen
1. One side of his face had swollen up where he'd been hit. 2. The insect-bite made her finger swell. 3. The continual rain had swollen the river.
verb - to make or become larger, greater or thicker.
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puchnąć, powiększać, pęcznieć
noun - a fracture of the left thigh-bone. / verb - She's fractured her ankle.
noun - a break of anything hard, especially a bone. / verb - to break something hard such as a bone, or a piece of rock.
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złamanie / złamać
unaminous / unaminously
The jury was unanimous in finding him guilty. / The members unanimously agreed to the proposal.
adj., adv - agreed by everyone.
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jednomyślny / jednomyślnie
1. He inherited the house from his father. / She inherited forty thousand dollars from her father. 2. Miranda has inherited her father's red hair. 3. The mayor will inherit a city hopelessly in debt.
verb - 1. to receive possessions or money from someone who has died. 2. to have the same physical or mental characteristics as one of your parents etc. 3. If you inherit a problem, situation, or belief, it is passed on to you by someone who had it before.
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The policy has been described as unworkable.
adj - a plan that is unworkable is impossible.
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niewykonalny, niemożliwy do wykonania
If symptoms persist, consult a doctor.
verb - If an unpleasant feeling or situation persists, it continues to exist.
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nie przestawać, trwać
1. His work permit was revoked after six months. 2. Martial law was revoked in 1832.
verb - to stop someone having official permission to do something, or to change an official decision.
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odwołać, uchylać

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