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Most research proceeds by small incremental advances. We plan to make incremental improvements to our existing products. Fundamental reform rather than incremental change. We need to proceed slowly and incrementally. syn. Gradually
nie posiadać się z radości być zachwyconym, być w siódmym niebie Lernen beginnen
She was over the moon about/with her new bike. He was over the moon when he saw me.
"komplikacja, problem, niepowodzenie (które powoduje opóźnienie), nawrót (choroby), pogorszenie (stanu zdrowia), utrudnienie dla kogoś, przeszkoda dla kogoś, niepowodzenie dla kogoś, spadek cen po uprzednim okresie wzrostu" Lernen beginnen
experienced/suffered a setback, a setback to/for sth, a major/serious setback, series of setbacks Sally had been recovering well from her operation, but yesterday she experienced/suffered a setback. There has been a slight/temporary setback in our plans. The decision is the latest in a series of setbacks for the industry.
ostatnia prosta, ostatni etap (np. szkolenia) Lernen beginnen
We're now heading into the homestretch of this divisive presidential campaign. We’ve been on this project for three months, but we’re in the home stretch now. It's taken three months, but we're on the home stretch now. on the home stretch
spełniający wymagania, spełniający niezbędne warunki, uprawniony (do malzenstwa, slubu) Lernen beginnen
Are you eligible for early retirement/maternity leave? Only people over 18 are eligible to vote. You have to be employed six months to be eligible for medical benefits. Is she eligible to enter the competition?
przepełniony, wypełniony np. sklep (pełen czegoś dobrego) Lernen beginnen
Cannes film festival brimful of wonderful surprises. It is brimful of plans that we want carried out.
stwarzający podziały, powodujący podziały Lernen beginnen
The Vietnam war was an extremely divisive issue in the US, The campaign for the mayor’s office was racially divisive.
garść, garstka, niewielka grupa Lernen beginnen
He pulled out a handful of coins from his pocket. She invited all her friends to her party, but only a handful of them turned up.
pojawiać się, zjawiać się gdzies (np. na imprezie) Lernen beginnen
Do you think many people will turn up? She turned up at my house late one night. syn. show up
rekordowo wysoki poziom lub wartość czegoś Lernen beginnen
How can we solve the country's record-high unemployment problem? Bankruptcies are at record highs.
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My piano playing has improved significantly. Our prison population has significantly increased in the last ten years.
okropny, fatalny (np. Błąd, widok) Lernen beginnen
What dismal weather! The acting was dismal, wasn't it? dismal picture/news/outlook, dismal performance
"rozbrzmiewać, odbijać echem (np. o wydarzeniu) dźwięczeć, rezonować, roznosić się (np. o głosie)" Lernen beginnen
The significance of those great stories resonates down the centuries. Her experiences resonate powerfully with me, living, as I do, in a similar family situation. His voice resonated in the empty church.
zmniejszać się, zdrzemnąć się, odpaść, spadek np. Ilości, jakości, odpaść, oderwać się Lernen beginnen
Analysts say the employment drop-off is directly linked to a slowdown in housing construction. The door handle dropped off. I was so tired I dropped off in front of the television.