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norma, standard
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Paying for large purchases by credit card instead of in cash has become the norm in many parts of the world.
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Although speech is mostly continuous sound, written language is divided up into discrete units which we call words.
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One of the roles of the Managing Director is to coordinate the work of different departments to ensure that they work well together.
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In geography, we study the physical features of the world -such as rivers and mountains - and ho we make use of them.
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The purpose of a bibliography at the end of an essay is to show the sources of information used in writing the essay.
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Remember that some verbs may need to be followed by a preposition, such as lead to, result in, and so on.
ocena, szacunek
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Although we cannot be sure, most estimates point to a significant increase in average air temperatures in the next 100 years.
leżeć u podstaw
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Everyone knows that diseases such as malaria are on the increase again, but what we are not so sure about is the underlying cause of this.
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Most economic theories assume that people act on a rational basis, but this doesn't take account of the fact that we often use our emotions instead.
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Most countries in the Far East have developed very quickly, while at the opposite pole many Third World countries have not grown at all.
program, system
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The government has launched a new scheme aimed at reducing youth unemployment.
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While half of the students were responsible for writing the questionnaires, the others had the task of analyzing the data.
niewystarczający, wykazujący niedobór
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Of somebody has a diet which is deficient in vitamins, he/she may suffer poor health as a result.
nieodpowiedni, nieadekwatny
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Although the characters were very convincing, the plot was so weak that the film was a failure.
przejście, przemiana
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The transition from a communist to a free-market economy has been ve ry difficult for a number of countries.
przewóz, tranzyt
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Students usually dress casually at university, but this style of dress is not appropriate when they start work.
prawidłowy, poprawny
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The opinions expressed in a newspaper usually reflect the views of the proprietor
komuna, wspólnota
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Extreme religious groups living in isolated communes have been responsible for a number of violent crimes.
zwołać, zebrać się
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In order to discuss the implications of the crisis, the President convened a meeting of his top advisors at the White House.
gromadzić się, zbierać się
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Because of the growth in the number of communication satellites in space, viewers have access to more television channels.
kwestia, sprawa (sporna)
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An important social and political issue in many developed countries is the growing number of old people.
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zbaczać, odbiegać
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Sometimes, unexpected economic changes force an organization n to deviate from its original business plan.
zmienić kierunek, przekierować
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There are many reasons behind the success of the fastest-growing economies, but one common factor seems to be high levels of education.
porzucać, zaniechać, rezygnować z
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Because the weather was so bad, the astronauts abandoned their attempt to launch the space shuttle.
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Resentment and jealousy over jobs is common source of conflict within society having top positions in the workplace.
znaczenie, istotność
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Many members of the public question the relevance of the monarchy to life in modern society.
wykluczać, nie obejmować
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Retraining courses for the unemployed may just be a way to exclude more people from the unemployment totals.
pokrywać się, odpowiadać czemuś
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The letters L, E and C on the map correspond to London, Edinburgh and Cardiff.
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Some environmentalists have a very bleak vision of the future, while others are much more optimistic.
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One way in which some countries can produce very cheap goods is to exploit child workers by paying them very low wages.
rozproszyć, rozpędzać (np. tłum)
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The demonstrators refused to disperse, although the police were heavily armed and very aggressive.
poszukiwać, zabiegać o
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Multi-national companies are often keen to seek local companies in developing economies willing to act as partners
obracać się
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The Earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours.
utrzymać, zachować
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It is better to work at a constant rate and to maintain this during the year rather than try to learn everything the night before the examinations.
postawa, stosunek
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Nowadays, most people have a more favorable attitude towards women having top positions in the workplace
przystosowywać się
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If a family moves abroad, the children often adapt to their new environment more quickly than their parents.
wyrzucić, pozbywać się
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throw away, dispose of
Environmentalists are keen to persuade us to throw away (dispose of) rubbish and waste in more environmentally-friendly ways.
substancja (chemiczna)
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chemical, substance
Poisonous substances (chemicals) released into the sea may be absorbed by fish and then find their way into the human food chain.
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plausible, credible
A growing number of scientists find it plausible (credible) that other life forms may exist elsewhere in the universe.
zależeć od kogoś/czegoś
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depend on, rely on
Some countries have such great economic problems that they are forced to depend on (rely on) aid from richer countries in order to feed their inhabitants.
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sufficient, adequate
Before accepting an overseas student, a university will make sure that the student's English is sufficient (adequate).
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use, consume
The North Americans use (consume) more energy and resources than any other nation.
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achieve, accomplish
Although Mozart lived for only 40 years, he achieved (accomplished) a great deal in his short life.
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fill, occupy
At examination time, go to the library early as all the places tend to be filled (occupied) very quickly.
wywierać (np. wpływ)
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exercise, exert
Because of its economic and military strength, the USA exercises (exerts) considerable influence over world politics.
przejawiać się
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shown by, manifest
He suffers from a lack of self-confidence, as shown by (manifested) his very poor examination results
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behaviour, conduct
Prisoners are sometimes released from prison early if they behaviour (conduct) has been good.
obszar, teren
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region, area
If global warming continues, many regions (areas) of the world will become drier while others may become wetter.
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Before giving a presentation, always adjust the focus on the projector so that everyone can read what is on the screen.
powierzchowny, płytki
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The changes companies make to their cars are often very superficial and may not change the basic structure of the cars at all.
mikroskopijny, malutki
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Lernen beginnen
Although most cars can travel much faster, the maximum speed limit in the UK is 70 mph.
okoliczności, warunki
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In special circumstances, a person who is found guilty of murder may receive no punishment at all from the court.
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The results of the government inquiry revealed that there had been no deliberate attempt by the company to deceive investors.
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One important aspect of marketing is to create a positive image of a company or a product.
sztuka, dramat
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Today, people are probably more familiar with drama on the television and radio rather than in the theatre.
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Police could not understand why the arrested man had murdered his neighbour since he appeared to have no motive.
wzór, motyw
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zorientować się
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The first two weeks of the course are designed to orientate new students and to allow them into university life.
wyraźny, precyzyjny
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The instructions from air traffic control were not fully explicit, and as a result the pilot made an error and crashed.
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A large number of people became ill after receiving blood transfusions contaminated with the AIDS virus.
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Joining a newsgroup allows computer users to make contact with other people who share a similar interest.
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If you have time, I would really appreciate some help with this assignment.
niedobór pracowników
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labour shortage
After the Second World War, there was a labour shortage in Britain and so workers from other countries had to be recruited.
dynamiczna osobowość
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dynamic personality
Some people found Mrs Thatcher's style somewhat aggressive, while others referred to regard her as having a forceful and dynamic personality.
wysiłek fizyczny
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physical exercise
His doctor advised him to give up fatty foods and to take some form of physical exercise such as golf.
władza i prestiż
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power and prestige
In mos countries, Marcedes-Benz cars are very famous because they are regarded as symbols of power and prestige
ostateczna decyzja
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final decision
The university refused to make a final decision on his application until he had taken a language test.
klasyczny przykład
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classic example
Without doubt, Coca-Cola is probably the classic example of a product that is known world-wide.
wcześniejsze doświadczenie
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previous experience
Employers are always keen to recruit staff with good qualifications and relevant previous experience.
pozytywne aspekty
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positive aspects
Those language learners who focus on the positive aspects of living in a new culture rather than on the disadvantages tend to learn more quickly.
ostry krytyk
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outspoken critic
Because she was an outspoken critic of the government, she was kept under house arrest for a number of years.
cecha wspólna
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common feature
Unfortunately, rising crime rates seem to be an increasingly common feature of life in big cities today.
sieć komputerowa
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computer network
The Internet, as the name implies, is really a huge computer network, lining computers all over the world.
światowa gospodarka
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global economy
Tourism is nowa a very significant part of the global economy, earning millions of dollars.

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