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The home team seems to have been completely outmatched by the visitors. Today's global environment requires every sustained effort to outmatch both competition and innovation.
starcie zbrojne, potyczka (niewielkich oddziałów), sprzeczka, utarczka Lernen beginnen
Police and protesters skirmished in the chilly rain. There was a short skirmish between the two of them over who would pay for the meal.
próbować, usiłować, próbować czegoś, usiłować coś Lernen beginnen
make an attempt, make no attempt, attempt at He attempted a joke, but no one laughed. He made no attempt to be sociable. They closed the road in an attempt to reduce traffic in the city. The doctors made one last desperate attempt to save the boy's life. This is my second attempt at the exam.
dopingować kogoś, kibicować komuś Lernen beginnen
Good luck! We're all rooting for you. Who do you root for in the Super Bowl?
żółtodziób, nowicjusz (np. w sporcie), osoba z niewielkim doświadczeniem początkująca w jakimś zawodzie Lernen beginnen
"These rookie cops don't know anything yet. He made an embarrassing rookie mistake. All rookie police officers are required to go through the basic training course."
zaszczepiać (np. nowe idee, entuzjazm), dawać zastrzyk, wstrzykiwać (np. lekarstwo), wtryskiwać (np. paliwo) Lernen beginnen
inject cash/money/capital, inject sth into sth Phil's a diabetic and has to inject himself with insulin every day. A large amount of money will have to be injected into the company if it is to survive. I tried to inject a little humour into the meeting. Inject life into the stock market.
odejść, ucieć, zostawić (nagle opuścić jakieś miejsce lub kogoś), kopiować, robić odbitki Lernen beginnen
My wife has run off with another man. Could you run me off five copies of this, please? You can't run off (home) now, just when I need you!
rozmaity, różnorodny, pomieszany Lernen beginnen
miscellaneously His bedroom is full of guitars, keyboards, and miscellaneous instruments. The job helps me pay for food and miscellaneous expenses. The magazine did a price comparison of 17 miscellaneous items sold at both stores. miscellaneous charges/costs/expenses
jednoczesny, równoległy (w czasie) Lernen beginnen
simultaneously There were several simultaneous explosions in different cities. To drive a car, you’ve got to learn to do several things simultaneously. The report will be broadcast in Russian with simultaneous English translation.
bez względu na coś, niezależnie od czegoś Lernen beginnen
tell them the truth, regardless of what they want to hear. Regardless of what she said, we need to go to the police.
nadawany na określony czas, czasowy (np. stypendium, członkowstwo w stowarzyszeniu, stanowisko) Lernen beginnen
"a tenable approach/solution/point of view. His theory is no longer tenable in the light of the recent discoveries. The fellowship is tenable for (= lasts for) three years. Applications are invited for the chair of Governors, tenable from 1 September
zeskrobywać, zdrapywać (np. farbę) Lernen beginnen
scrape away We'll have to scrape the snow off the car before we go out in it. Emily scraped away the dead leaves to reveal the tiny shoot of a new plant. Scrape your boots clean before you come in.
otrzeć o coś, zadrapać o coś, zarysować o coś Lernen beginnen
scrape against "Jackie fell over and scraped her knee (on the pavement). I was woken up by the noise of branches scraping against my bedroom window."
napływ (ludności), przypływ (uczuć, emocji), wzrost (np. cen, zainteresowania), fala, przypływ Lernen beginnen
There has been a surge in house prices recently. The company's profits have surged. She felt a sudden surge of joy.
kręty (o ścieżce), wijący się (np. strumyk), zawiły (np. wątek), pokrętny (np. sposób) Lernen beginnen
"He took a tortuous route through back streets. The path to peace seems at last to be clear, although it may be a long and tortuous one."