4. Mówisz po angielsku? tak sobie, nauka i poziomy zaawansowania

 0    35 Datenblatt    aleksandralemek
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język holenderski
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the Dutch
język duński
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More uneducated people lives in the countryside than in cities
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When are you learning foreign language don't neglect learning new words
ściągać (w szkole)
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cheat (at school)
At the University students are cheating on tests
mam zaległości
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I've got backlog, I'm behind
I'm behind on new english words
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I hired a tutor to learn faster
dyrektor szkoły
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principal (AmE), head teacher (BrE)
In my elementary (AmE)/primary (BrE) school head teacher was also math teacher
na podstawie
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based, on the basis of
wyniki w nauce
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academic performance, academic excellence
School ranking is selected on the basis of academic excellence
zanurzony w języku obcym
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immersed in a foreign language
The best way to learn English is being totally immersed in a foreign language
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Average students achieve better success in life
poradzić sobie
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to get over, get by
I'm sure I will get by with new job
żyłka do języków
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a flair for languages
My sister has flair for languages
język ojczysty
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a mother tongue
My mother tongue is Polish
dodatkowa umiejętność
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additional skill
poczucie humoru
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sense of humor
Damian said that we need to work on my sense of humour
pilny uczeń
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diligent pupil / student
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Learning english is a long-term project
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involved, dedicated
I didn't have dedicated English teachers
dawać radość
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give joy, bring joy
Playing in the sandbox brings joy to Mateusz
brak praktyki
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no practice, lack of practice
Polish students are afraid to speak English because of a lack of practice
uczucie sukcesu
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feeling of success, sense of accomplishment
I felt a great sense of accomplishment when I spoke English at the airport
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disappointing, unsatisfactory
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Polish people believe their English is unsatisfactory and imprefect
złapać (język obcy)
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pick up
Damian picked up English from games
tak sobie
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I speak English so so
sprawdzić to w słowniku
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check it in the dictionary, look it up in a dictionary
If I don't understand something I look it up in a dictionary
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Mateo want to eat dinner independently
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spine, back
My spine hurts when I carry Mateo on my hands for a long time
folia bąbelkowa
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bubble wrap
Bubble wrap is not ecological
czas trwania
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The duration of Damian's way to work is 5 minutes
tonąć (o ludziach i zwierzętach)
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A lot of people drown in summer
brać udział w
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to take part in, participate in
Today I took part in the presidential election
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