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adv- in a way that continues for a long time and seems to have no end (nieskończenie, bezgranicznie)
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she talks endlessly about her problems
adv- mądrze
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adv- uważnie, szczegółowo, dokładnie
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głęboki/ very much, used to say that sth is done in a very complete way
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she is deepky religious, we need to think deeply about these questions
adv- almost not/ used tp say that sth just begun, happened
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we hardly know each other/ we had hardly sat down to supper when the phone rang
adv- ładnie
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adv- prawie, almost
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adv- without stopping or changing direction or vehicle
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we flew direct to Hong Kong
adv- without stopping or changing direction/ exactly in a particular position /immediately/ soon
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they remain directly opposed to these new plans /she left directly after the show /tell them I'll be there directly
adv- as far or fully as possible
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the door was wide open/
adv- by a lot of people, in or to many places/ to a large degre, a lot
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the term is widely used in everyday speech, he has traveled widely in Asia/ standards vary widely
adv- spread out in a level straight position especially against another surface
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lie flat and breathe deeply
adv- in a way that is very definite and will not be changed (kategorycznie)/ in a way that shows very little interest or emotion
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I flatly refused to spend any more time helping him
rozróżniać kogoś od siebie
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tell sb apart
dom dziecka / sierociniec
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v- to get onto a ship or plane, to put somebody something onto a ship or plane
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puszka z dokumentami z przeszłości
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time capsule
v- spełniać, zaspokajać
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to fulfill your dream and vision/ I need a job that really fulfills me
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v- to do or have what is required or necessary
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he had fulfilled his promise to his father/ to fulfil a duty/ work permits are only given to people who fulfil cartain criteria
pv- wyruszać, rozpoczynać podróż
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set off
pv- to include or cover sth
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take in
the tour takes in six European capitals
pv- to stay somewhere for a short time during a long journey
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stop over
I want to stop over in India on the way to Australia
pv- to leave a place, especially in order to do sth
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go off
she went off to get a drink
pv- to move from place to place/ to go to a lot of different places
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get around
Steward really gets around last week he was in Dubai and this week it is in Paris
pv- to persuade somebody to agree or to do what you want usually by doing nice things for them
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get round sb
she knows how to get round her father
pv- to return, especially to your home
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get back
what time did you get back last night?
pv- to obtain something again after having lost it
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get sth back
she has got her old job back
pv- (of a vehicle or its driver) to stop
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pull up
pv- to meet sb by chance
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bump into sb
v- to be useful to somebody in the achieving or satisfying something
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this old car has served me very well
wyjaśnienie w celu uniknięcia nieporozumienia
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v- to state publicly that you have no knowledge of something or that you are not responsible for something/ to give up your rights to something such as property or a title
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she disclaimed any knowledge of her husband's whereabouts
v- to admit that something is true
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he owned to a feeling of guilt
być winnym, dłużnym zawdzięczać,
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I owe you an apology/ you owe this promotion to Peter/ I owe you a drink
Lista rzeczy do zrobienia przed śmiercią
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bucket list
prawnik / adwokat
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słusznie, sprawiedliwie, uczciwie, rzetelnie
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I think that treating people fairly should be a norm/ you fairly said that she is hard-working
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adj- obdarzony bujną wyobraźnią
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skarga, zażalenie
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adv- earlier: before something else happen or is done
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I wish we had known about it beforehand
zapytanie, prośba
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wspaniały, wyśmienity
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v- to get back something you no longer have especially an ability or a quality
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she paused on the edge trying to regain her balance/ the party has regained control of the region
zamierać, zanikać
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The Hope inside her withered
v- if a plant wither or something wither it, it dries up and dies
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the grass had withered in the warm sun
adj-zarozumiały, zadufany w sobie, nadmiernie pewny siebie
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n- powołanie
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I still don't know my vocation
n- the act of finding somebody guilty of a crime in court, the fact of having been found guilty
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he plans to appeal against his conviction
n- a strong opinion or belief (przekonanie)
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she was motivated by Deep religious conviction
i- to be /not be brave enough to do what you feel to be right
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have/lack the courage of your conviction
pedał, pedzio
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adj- unable to escape a particular fate, certain to happen because everything is controlled by fate
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we were fated never to meet again
być przeznaczonym
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be fated
adj- having an important often very bad effect on future events (fatalny, nieuchronny, proroczy)
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she looked back now to that fateful day in December
n- a small problem or fault that stop something working successfully
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a few technical glitches forced us to postpone the demonstration
zaciąć się, przestać działać
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kandydat/ a person or team with a chance of winning competition
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a contender for a gold medal in the Olympics
adj- don't care in shape or sound (zamazany)
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a fuzzy image
adj- careless, untidy or dirty in appearance or habits
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he grew lazy and slovenly in his habits
ściskać, uścisnąć (np. tubkę, rękę)
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he squeezed her hands/ I squeezed the tube of toothpaste
v- get liquid out
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to squeeze the juice from a lemon
v- forced somebody something yourself into or through a small space
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we managed to squeeze 6 people into the car /it's a pretty Town squeezed between the mountains and the ocean
v- to give somebody a duty responsibility etc. that causes worry, difficulty or hard work (obarczony)
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I don't want to burden you with my worries
opłata za przejazd
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the bus fare in the city is surprisingly High
empatia, zrozumienie
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pv- startować (o samolocie)
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take off
pv- to become successful or popular very quickly or suddenly
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take off
her singing career took off after her TV appearance
pv- to remove something especially a piece of clothing from your or somebody's body
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take sth off
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napalony, podniecony
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v- to care for and protect somebody something while they are growing and developing
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nurture sb
these delicate plants needs careful nurturing
v- to help somebody something to develop and be successful (pielęgnować)
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my father nurture a love of art in me/ it's important to nurture a good working relationship
v- to make a long deep sound usually because you are unhappy or suffering or are experiencing sexual pleasure (jęczeć)
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I might never see you again- she moaned/ the injured man was lying on the ground moaning
v- to cause somebody to be interested or excited especially in a sexual way (podniecać)
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adj- full of life and energy
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niezamieszkały, bezludny
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v- to move your hand a clothes etc. backwards and forwards over a surface while pressing it (pocierać)
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she robbed her chin thoughtfully/ Rob the surface with sandpaper before painting the/ the cat robbed itself against my legs
cofnąć czas
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turn back time
v- zaspać
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v- to feel very sad especially because somebody has died/ to make you feel very sad
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it grieved him that he could do nothing to help her/ she grieved the death of her husband
czego oko nie widzi, serce nie rozpacza
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what the eye doesn't see the heart doesn't grieve over
adj- nervous or worried and unable to relax (spięty, napięty)
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she sounded tense and angry/ I spent a tense few weeks waiting for the results of the test/
adj- (of a muscle or other part of the body) tight rather than relaxed
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pedał, pedzio
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adv- stale, nieustannie
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a perpetually changing environment

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