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bezludny, opustoszały, porzucony
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the office was completely deserted/ a deserted village
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v- to put your foot down heavily and noisly on the ground /to walk with loud heavy steps (iść ciezko, tupac)
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san stamped his foot in anger /she turned and stomped out of the room
v- to increase in degree or strength, to make something increase in degree or strength
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violence intensified during the night
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adj- complete and extremely detailed, done with a lot of care
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his disappearance has been the subject of intensive investigation
n- uszkodzenie czegoś, szkoda na czymś
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damage to
the damage to his car could not be repaired
n- zapotrzebowanie na coś
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demand for
there is very little demand for typewriters these days
adj- having warm or loving feelings for somebody especially somebody you have known for a long time
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fond of sb
she was very fond of her niece and nephew
adj- finding something pleasant especially something you have liked or enjoyed for a long time
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fond of (doing) sth
found of Music /cooking
v- to become greater in the mount number value etc.
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increase in
oil increased in price
n- reakcja na coś
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reaction to sth
what was his reaction to the news
powód czegos
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reason for
she gave no reasons for her decision
bać się czegoś
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be scared of
v- increase in amount or number
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rise in
gas rose in price
pv- to save or keep moneytime land etc for a particular purpose
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set aside
she tries to set aside some money every month
pv- not consider something because other things are more important
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set aside
let's set aside my personal feelings for now
pv- to delay the progress of something somebody by a particular time
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set sth back
the bad weather set back the building program by several weeks
pv- begin a journey
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set out
pv- start trying to do something /to begin a job tasks etc. with a particular aim or go
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set out
she set out to break the world record
pv- to create something or start it
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set up
to set up a business
pv- to build something or put something somewhere
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set up
the police set up roadblocks on the roads out of the city
pv- to prevent somebody from moving, using force/ to prevent somebody from having their Freedom or rights
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hold sb down
it took three men to hold him down/ the people are held down by a repressive regime
pv- to keep something at a low level
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hold sth down
the rate of inflation must be held down
adj- donośnie, wyraźnie
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opis, podpis, tytuł (np. pod zdjęciem)
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that was a caption under the picture on the wall
to die
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pv- to remain strong and working effectively
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hold up
she is holding up well under the pressure
pv- to support somebody something and stop them from falling
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hold sb up
adj- if something is customary it is what people usually do in a particular place or situation (w zwyczaju,)
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it's customary to tip the waiter
in a way that shows skill (umiejętnie)
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a skillfully created novel
ostre słowa
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harsh word, cross word
v- to move away from a place or an enemy because you are in danger or because you have been defeated
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the Army was forced to retreat after suffering heavy losses
lokowanie produktu
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product placement
v- to make somebody something seem less bad /to do something to improve the opinion that people have of you especially after you have done something bad
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the excellent acting was enough to redeem a week plot /he has a chance to redeem himself after last week's mistakes
adv- życzliwie
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pv- to get rid of something completely
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sweep sth away
any doubts had long since been swept away
pv- to make somebody very interested or involved in something especially in a way that makes them forget everything else
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sweep sb along/away
they were swept Along by the force of their emotions
szturchać, trącać
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przebita opona
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flat tyre
ledwo, ledwie
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no sooner
uśmiechać się do kogoś
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smile at somebody
n- a feeling of anger or unhappiness about something that you think is unfair (żal, niechęć, uraza, rozżalenie)
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resentment (towards/against sb)
she could not conceal the Deep resentment she felt at the way she had been treated
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mający efekt przeciwny do zamierzonego
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trying to save money when you live on credit is counterproductive
v- to give your support to a belief, policy etc
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they espouse the nation of equal opportunity for all in education
adj- that is suggested indirectly or understood, rather than said in words(milczący)
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tacit approval support knowledge
pv- odnieść się do czegoś, odpowiedzieć na coś
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rise to sth
can you rise to my question?
v- understand something fully
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he stood staring at the dead body unable to comprehend/ the infinite distances of space are too great for the human mind to comprehend
n- a situation an even etc. that makes it difficult for you to do or achieve something/ an object that is in your way and that makes it difficult for you to move forward(przeszkoda)
Lernen beginnen
so far we have managed to overcome all the obstacles that have been placed in our path /the area was full of streams and bags and other natural obstacles
adj- extremely important because it will affect other things
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the next few weeks are going to be crucial
pv- to suggest something for discussion
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put sth forward
to put forward a suggestion
pv- to come to an end, to be completely used up
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give out
after a month their Food Supplies gave out
adj- defensive and unacceptable/ very unusual and intended to shock people slightly
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outrageous behavior/ outrageous clothes
pozbawiać (kogoś czegoś)
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deprive of
they were deprived of food for 36 hours
pv- to interrupt somebody when they are speaking
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cut in on something
she kept cutting in on our conversation
v- to delay doing something that you should do usually because you do not want to do it
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people were dying of starvation while governments procrastinated
odkupienie, wybawienie
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he looked for Redemption for his past sins
adj-elegancki, pewny siebie, czarujący
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lina, sznur
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pv- reduce number size or extent of something
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scale sth down
we are thinking of scaling down our training program next year
złożyć obietnicę
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make a promise
n- niespodzianka, something very pleasant that somebody can enjoy, especially something that you give somebody or do for them
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when I was young chocolate was a treat we took the kids to the zoo as a special treat
stypendium naukowe
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n- kruczek, haczyk, pułapka
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she knew there had to be a catch
v- to hide information or keep it secret and mysterious
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his family background is shrouded in mystery
v- to become calmer quieter or less intense
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she waited nervously for his anger to subside
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adj- never wrong never making mistakes/ dad never fails, always doing what it is supposed to do (niezawodny)
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infallible advice / infallible method of memorizing things
v- to say something suddenly and loudly especially because of strong emotion or pain
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she opened her eyes and exclaimed in delight at the scene
n- ujawnienie, wyjawienie (np. poufnej informacji)
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v- odsączać, osuszać, odprowadzać jakąś ciesz
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to make sb/sth weaker, poorer, etc. by using up their/its strenght etc.
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I felt drained of energy
v- to allow yourself to have or do something that you like especially something that's is considered bad for you/ to satisfy a particular desire, interest etc.
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they went into town to indulge in some serious shopping /she was free to indulge in a little romantic daydreaming
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n- a series of things or people that come closely one after another
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the band had a string of hits in the 90s
szczyt/ bardzi ważne spotkanie
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a summit in Moscow
uważać na coś, strzec się czegoś
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look out for sth
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adv- immediately, without delay
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bezpośrednio (wypowiadać się)
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znak na komputerze
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n- a statement or an idea that formed the basis for a reasonable line of argument (przesłanka, założenie)
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the argument rests on a false premise
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adv-wyjątkowo, nietypowo
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na zmianę
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by turns
we go shopping by turns
n- price or approval because you are responsible for something good that has happened
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I can't take all the credit for the show's success it was a team effort
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