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złapać kogoś w pułapkę robienia czegoś, zmusić kogoś podstępem Lernen beginnen
be trapped into doing sth She had been trapped into saying something she did not mean. In his book, Holden speculates that Shakespeare was an unfaithful husband who was trapped into marriage.
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Any spy can sneak into a building and-and snap a few necks. I sneak into my own bed as the blue light comes down through the window.
igrać z kimś, oszukiwać kogoś, nabierać kogoś, niebezpiecznie sobie poczynać z kimś/czymś Lernen beginnen
to be hurt while fooling with a loaded gun. I wouldn't want to fool with that guy.
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I just don’t like to fool with these computers.
trzymać się czegoś (np. Planu, wytycznych, ustalen), przestrzegać czegoś (np. diety) Lernen beginnen
We'd better stick to the main road, because the other roads are blocked with snow. You'll never learn to play the piano if you're not prepared to stick to it. I find it very hard to stick to a diet.
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They traded land for goods and money. Kids used to trade baseball cards. He still claims the arms weren't traded for hostages
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And then people keep sending things back and so on, and so forth. One of them needs a heart transplant, one of them needs a kidney transplant, one of them needs a liver transplant, and so forth and so on.
rozwiązywać, rozpinać (np. ubranie, torbę), cofnąć (efekt czegoś), niweczyć, anulować Lernen beginnen
I took off my hat and undid my coat. Some of the damage caused by pollution cannot be undone. She undid her bra.
na boki, od boku, do boku, bokami, bokiem Lernen beginnen
He glanced sideways. I had to walk sideways to get between the two towering piles of boxes, turn sideways
na wierzchu (np. ciasta), na czubku (głowy), na czele (np. wyścigu, peletonu) Lernen beginnen
There is a giant spider on top of your head. He was riding on top of the race.
odpuszczać, poddawać się, pozwolić komuś odejść (czyt. zwolnić kogoś), pożegnać się z kimś, zaniedbywać się (o wyglądzie), nie przejmować się, odpuścić sobie Lernen beginnen
They've let me go due to the budget cuts. I've been trying for months so it's time to let it go. He really let himself go and gained a lot of weight. Just let yourself go and watch the sunset.
podskok, podryg, podskakiwać, podrygiwać, unikać (obowiązków), pomijać (pewne czynności), przeskakiwać (z tematu na temat) Lernen beginnen
The fence was low enough to pass it with a skip. He skipped in place to warm himself up. Let's skip the pleasantries. He skipped right to the main topic of the meeting.
zawiesić (coś na czymś), wisieć, zwisać Lernen beginnen
Loose electric wires were dangling from the wall. Decorations dangled from the ceiling.
czarować, skusić, nęcić, urobić, przyciągnąć, skłonić, trafić komuś do przekonania (w odniesieniu do namawiania kogoś do zrobienia czegoś) Lernen beginnen
dangle sth in front of sb I've tried dangling all kinds of offers in front of him to get him to work harder at school, but nothing works. A good pay package and a company car were dangled in front of her. He had a company directorship dangled in front of him.
poślizgnąć się, wślizgnąć się, wejść niepostrzeżenie Lernen beginnen
He slipped on a banana peel. He slipped into the room.