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powiedz że masz problem z tabletem zakupionym w tym sklepie
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I have a problem with my tablet which a bought in this shop
zapytaj kiedy dokonano zakupu i poproś o paragon/rachunek
Lernen beginnen
when did you buy the laptop. Can I have a receipt? Can I get a receipt?
powiedz że Kupiłem go 2 dni temu i podaj rachunek/paragon
Lernen beginnen
I bought it 2 days ago. there is the receipt
zapytaj jaki jest problem?
Lernen beginnen
what is the problem with this tablet?
opisz problem z tabletem i zapytaj jak długo potrwa naprawa?
Lernen beginnen
laptop doesn't work. I can't turn it on. how long will the repair take? are you going to repair
jak tylko tablet będzie gotowy to zadzwonisz. poproś o numer telefonu?
Lernen beginnen
as soon as the tablet is ready, I will call you. Can I have your phone number?

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