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tending to cuase a harm
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to allow someone to be punished, criticized, or made to suffer in a way that is unfair, without trying to help them
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hang someone out to dry
more than anything else
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first and foremost
In spite of being elected to office, she remains first and foremost a writer
used to describe a decision, event, or period of time that is very important because it can make something succeed or fail completely
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make or break
Christmas is often a make-or-break time for smaller retailers
carefully, in order to avoid problems
achieving the desired results gradually and reliably rather than quickly and spectacularly.
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slowly but surely
Slowly but surely, the product began to take off.
at some future time; eventually
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sooner or later
possibly a little more or less than the amount or time mentioned:
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give or take
It'll be ready at 6:00, give or take a few minutes.
to be much less good than something
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not be a patch on something
This new washing machine isn't a patch on our old one.
willingness to accept suggestions from another person and give up some of your own:
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give and take
In every friendship there has to be some give and take.
think carefully
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I strongly beleiev
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firm belief
having no elemenets in common
disturbed cohesion
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to disjoint
an act or instance of reducing something, especially expenditure.
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beg someone earnestly or desperately to do something.
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to implore
a ffirm one's faith in or allegiance to (a religion or set of beliefs).
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demand or specify (a requirement), typically as part of an agreement.
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defend oneself from a blow, attack, or attacker.
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fend off
to manage to use something in a way that brings good results:
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tap into sth
If only we could tap into all that energy and creativity.
very interesting because of being unusual or mysterious:
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pleasant and kind:
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fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force.
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visit somebody without making an appointment
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drop in
take part in something that is already running
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join in
connect to electricity supply
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plug in
deceive somebody
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take somebody in
I was completely take in by person that daid he was policeman
write with necessary informatiin
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fill in/out
eat outside home
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eat out
stop before you have copmletly finished
eg university
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drop out
of college, universtity, race
avoiding doing it
going somewhere
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get out
I don’t want to go, but I can’t get out of it now
not include somebody or something in something else
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leave someone/something out
You can leave the butter out of this recipe if you're on a low-fat diet.
wtite line trough soemthing
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cross something out
enter the bus
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get on bus
to have a good relationshi
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get on with
They got on better when they were children.
to manage or deal with a situation, especially successfully:
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get on with
We're getting on quite well with the decorating
to leave in a car
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drive off
I got in the car and drove off
plane departue
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plane take off
to suddenly start to be successful or popular
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take off
Her singing career had just begun to take off.
to romove something eg clothes
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take something off
He took off his clothes and got into the shower.
spend away time from your work
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take off
He took two weeks off in September.
to be able to live or deal with a situation with difficulty, usually by having just enough of something you need, such as money:
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get by
We can get by with four computers at the moment, but we'll need a couple more when the new staff arrive.
to manage or continue to exist in a state or situation where something is lacking:
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get by
When we were students we got by on very little money.
spojrzec na cos
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look up at sth
uciec od
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run away from sth
nadazac za kims lub czyms
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keep up with sb/sth
to feel pleased and excited about something that is going to happen:
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look forward to something
I'm really looking forward to my holiday.
do physical work
Reachek ....... at the gym three times a week
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work out
develop, progress
I hope everything ....... well for you
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work out
That ...... at 32€.
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work out
understand, think about a problem and find an answer
Investigstors are trying to ........ what caused the accident
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work out / figure out
fulfill / complete activity, order, experiment, survey
Soldiers are expected ... out orders
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carry out
get information about
The police never ....... who committed the crime
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find out
give to each person
Speaker....... information sheets to audience
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give/ hand out
draw attention to something
I didnt realaised the mistaken until solebody ...... it...
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point something out
used everything
We ...... petrol.
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run out of sth
find a solution, put in order
There are few probles we need to ......
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sort something out
it become clear ine the end he was right
He ... to be right
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turn out to be
it become good
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turn out good
test something it is ok
The company is ...... some new feature
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try out

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