Angielski 20.05.24r

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a small drop of liquid
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a nanoscale fibre of biological material
immiscible liquid
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a liquid that cannnot be mixed with another liquid wihout separating from it
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a process in which molecules/objects organize with no external interations
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happening of found by chance
supermolecular polymer
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a polymer in which monomers are bonded non-covalently
astonishing effects
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outcomes that are surprising or unexpected
energy landscape
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it is a distribution of potencial energy within a system.
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In this case magnitude of the current is the absolute value of the flowing current
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Higher harmonics of pure tone. It has frequency values that are multiple values of fundamental tone
Periodic lattice
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It is a repeating arrangment of points or object in space
Pure tone
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It is a sound wave characterized by a single frequency with no hihger harmonics or overtones
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Begin to move more quickly
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the rate of emisision of radtiation
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A neutron star with a moch stronger magnetic field than ordinary neutron star
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A celestial object to be a rapidly rotating neutron star, that emits regular pulses of radio wave and other electromagnetic radiation at rates of up to one thousand pulses per second
White dwarf
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A small very dense star that is typically the sazie of planet. A white dwarf is formed when a low mass star exhausted all its central nuclear fuel and lost it outer layers a planetry
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fast or speedy
Accretion disk
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Accretion diska disk of rotating matter around a black hole
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region around a black hole where objcets moving within this area are compelled to rotate along with the black hole
event horizon
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The surface around the singularity of black hole beyoned which there is no possibility of returning to the external world
Gravitational lensing
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Physical phenomen i which the mass od an object cruves spacetime around itself and acts as an optial lens
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Streams of matter and energy, which ale likly ejected into space along the axis of rotation of black hole, possibility through quantum effects
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A point inside a non-rotating black hole where all konwon laws of physic break down
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next to or very near a specified locations
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Arrangement in a striaght line or in correct relative positions
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the action or process of manufacturing or inventing something
Liquid crystal
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A state of matter whose properties are between those of conventional liquids and those of solid crystals
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the action of restricting the vibrations of transverse wave, especially light, wholly or partially to one diretion
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in a way that relates to space and the position area, and size of things within it
Dark matter
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DArk mater is type of matter that does not emit, absorb, or reflect light making it invisible
Einstein ring
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An enstein ring is a circular image of a distant bject formed when its light is bent by the gravity of massive object between it and the observer
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In astronomy a halo refers to a spherical region surrounding a galaxy. This area contains dark matter stars globuler clusters and hot gas.
Initial conditions
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initial condistions in galaxy modeling refer to the formation and evolution of galaxies
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a paresec is a unit of distance used in astronomy, equal to about 3.26 light yers
Red shift
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Redshift is the increade in the wavelength of light from and object moving away from an object moving away from the observer, making the light appeqar redder

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