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such value-laden advice essentially says: „Your worth comes from what you do in relation to other people” Lernen beginnen
If, on the other hand circumstances change, a crisis may ensue Lernen beginnen
wynikać, następować (po czymś)
- to separate something from something they’re also able to sift meanings from experience Lernen beginnen
oddzielić coś od czegoś, przesiać
You can get a referral in your area by calling the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis Lernen beginnen
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furia, napad (złości, szału), histeria
Use feedback from objective sources and trusted others when it is feasible to do so Lernen beginnen
- Using or expressing dry, especially mocking humor One wry observer said that: „Depressed people look at the world trough crap-colored glasses” Lernen beginnen
- a particular position, point or place Lernen beginnen
umiejscowienie, położenie
They are scrambling just to get by Lernen beginnen
Depressed individuals tend to have a past temporal orientation Lernen beginnen
what lies in store for sb - be waiting to happen to sb „Suicidal individuals erroneously believe that their past and current experiences of pain are what lie in store for them” Lernen beginnen
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kategoryzowanie, segmentacja, szufladkowanie
„The exercises throughout the book are to help you exercise the muscles that have been underutilized for far too long” Lernen beginnen
nie wykorzystywany w pełni
„Other people beat a hasty retreat, picking up and moving to other parts of the country” (after an earthquake) Lernen beginnen
„to run away from a dangerous or unpleasant situation:”
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„A physically large man -very tall and obese - Mel dwarfed his wife.” Lernen beginnen
cause to seem small or significant in comparison sprawiać, że ktoś wygląda na mniejszego w porównaniu
Betty nudged him along and led him slowly to a large armchair in my office” Lernen beginnen
„I gingerly placed a tissue in Mel’s fist; he passively accepted it but didn’t use it” Lernen beginnen
in a careful or cautious maner
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