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Frage Antworten
czy moge pani pomoc
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can i help you
jaki rozmiar pani sobie zyczy
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what size would you like
tam sa przymierzalnie
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the fitting rooms are over there
wszystko razem kosztuje 24 funty
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all together costs £24
jak bedzie pani placic
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how would you like to pay
prosze wprowadzic pin
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please enter your pin
oto reszta/paragon
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here is the change / receipt
czy chce pani torebke
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would you like a bag
czy zapakowac na prezent
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would you like me to gift wrap this for you
aby zwrocic produkt nalezy zachowac paragon
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You have to keep the receipt to return the product
dziekuje tylko sie rozlagam
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i m just lookng thanks
ile to kosztuje
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how much is it
gdzie sa przymierzalnie
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where are the fitting rooms
czy moge prosic o wiekszy rozmiar
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can i ask for a bigger size
wezme to
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I'll take it
chyba tego nie wezme
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i think i will lleave it
poprosze o dwie takie
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i d like two of these
czy moge zaplacic karta
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Can I pay by card
chcialabym zaplacic gotowka
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I would like to pay in cash
czy moge prosic o torebke
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can i have a bag please
chcialbym to zwrocic / wymienic
Lernen beginnen
I would like to return/exchange it

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