Art Collection - #001 - vocabulario 1

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There was this strange man sitting next to me on the plane.
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Havia um homem estranho sentado ao meu lado no avião.
I've been getting this pain in my chest.
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Estou com essa dor no peito.
This process is sometimes namedreal-time scanning.
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Esse processo às vezes é chamado de varredura em tempo real.
This admitted light without sacrificing privacy.
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Isso admitia luz sem sacrificar a privacidade.
Camouflage This skill reduces vehicle visibility.
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Camuflagem Esta habilidade reduz a visibilidade do veículo.
A diamond worth five million dollars.
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Um diamante no valor de cinco milhões de dólares.
This painting is worth a fortune
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Esta pintura vale uma fortuna
The museum is worth a visit.
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Vale a pena visitar o museu.
It's worth a try.
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Vale a tentativa.
I will contact you by letter.
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Entrarei em contato com você por carta.
A house by the river.
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Uma casa à beira do rio.
a play by William Shakespeare
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uma peça de William Shakespeare
a painting by Van Gogh
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uma pintura de Van Gogh
I've heard police work is dangerous.
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Ouvi dizer que o trabalho da polícia é perigoso.
Getting yourself heard and noticed is important.
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Ser ouvido e notado é importante.
Tiel shows something seen or heard.
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Tiel mostra algo visto ou ouvido.
I heard Richard Hendricks was here.
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Ouvi dizer que Richard Hendricks estava aqui.

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