Arturas 17th May (45 min)

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What date ... today?
Lernen beginnen
What date is today?
Lernen beginnen
It's the 17th of May.
the second month
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
It's the FIRST of April.
Lernen beginnen
It's the 5th of August.
Lernen beginnen
the ninth
the 6th month
Lernen beginnen
Oh my god!
Lernen beginnen
Oh my word! / Oh my gosh!
When ... you born?
Lernen beginnen
When WERE you born?
I ... born ON the 30th of November.
Lernen beginnen
I WAS born ON the 30th of November.
I ... born ... 1985.
Lernen beginnen
I WAS born IN 1985.
Tom ... born in 2010.
Lernen beginnen
Tom WAS born in 2010.
I'm late because my alarm didn't GO...
Lernen beginnen
I'm late because my alarm didn't GO OFF.
a contest
Lernen beginnen
a competition
last weekend
Lernen beginnen
do NOT say ON last weekend
to participate IN sth
I participated in a competition.
Lernen beginnen
to take part IN sth
I took part in a competition.
last Monday
Lernen beginnen
do NOT say ON last Monday
last week
Lernen beginnen
do NOT say: ON last week
Last weekend I took ... in a maths competition.
Lernen beginnen
Last weekend I took PART in a maths competition.
I would like to ... part in this competition.
Lernen beginnen
I would like to TAKE part in this competition.
see you next week
Lernen beginnen
do NOT say see you in the next week

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