as not as

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non gioco a tennis cosi spesso come te
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I do not play tennis as often as you
non ho cosi tanti soldi come te
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I haven't got as much money as you
non esco cosi tanto come te
Lernen beginnen
I don't go out as much as you
Roma non è cosi vecchia come atene. Atene è piu vecchia di roma
Lernen beginnen
Rome is not as old as Athens. Athens is older than Rome
Lei non è cosi vecchia come lui
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She is not as old as him ... or as he is
tu non lavori cosi duramente come me
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you don't work as hard as me
sono arrivato allo stesso orario di Tim
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I arrived at the same time as Tim
il tempo oggi è lo stesso di ieri
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the weather today is the same as yesterday
paul ha piu soldi di tom, ma non cosi tanto come jack
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paul has more money than tom, but not as much as jack
la tua camera non è cosi grande come la mia
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your room is not as big as mine
non mi sono alzato cosi presto come te
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I didn't get up as early as you
loro non giocano bene come noi
Lernen beginnen
they don't play as well as us
io mangio piu di te
Lernen beginnen
I eat more than you

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