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amplitudinal plane
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1/2 high of pubic symphysis, middle od articular fossa of hip joint, intervertebral disc s2/s3
angustial plane
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sacral apex, inferior border of pubic symphysis, ends of ischial spines, intervertebral disc s2/3
pelvic outlet, koniec:
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linia łączaca ischial spines
pelvic outlet poczatek:
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przedni: inferior border od pubic symhpisis, tylna: wierzchołek coccygeal (k. guziczna)
z jakimi conjugates ma zwiazek pubic symphysis?
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anatomical, veracious, diagonal, external
Diagonal conjugate
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inferior border of the symphysis pubis to the sacral promontory
True conjugate
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upper margin of the symphysis pubis to the sacral promontory
external conjugate
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inferior border of pubic symphis and spinous process of L5
plane of greates dimensions
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miedzy 2 i 3 sacral disc
Jaka sprzężna najkrotsza?
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veracious conjugate
angustial plane przechodzi przez...
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sacral apex
pelvic outlet ma ksztalt
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linea terminalis obejmuje
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pecten pubis i arcuate line
boczne ograniczenie ischioanal fossa
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obturator fascia
przyczep poczatkowy levator ani: co ma zwiazek?
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obturator fascia
motor fibers pudednal nerve
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unerwiaja tylna cz. scrotum
parasympathetic fibers pudednal nerve
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daja parasympathetic do splotu miednicznego
pudendal nerve: jego somatic inferior rectal nerve
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przemirzeają ischioanal fossa

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