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cas table column variable
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cas table column variable
CASL variable
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CASL variable
info o tabeli CASL
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info about the CASL table
ilość wierszy CASL
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number of CASL lines
typ danych i wartość CASL variables
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data type and value CASL variables
konkatenacja CASL variables
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concatenation CASL variables
wygląd cas array
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cas array appearance
dostęp do pól cas array
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access to cas array fields
do loop array
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to loop array
konkatenacja array
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array concatenation
unikalne wartości array
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unique array values
wspólne wartości array
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common array values
porównanie array
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array comparison
ilość elementów w array
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number of elements in array
sortowanie array
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array sort
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short form tworzenia dictionary
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short form for creating a dictionary
wygląd describe i print dictionary
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describe dictionary appearance
long form tworzenia dictionary
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long form creating dictionary
orientowanie po kluczach dictionary
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dictionary key orientation
usuwanie po kluczu dictionary
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deleting by dictionary key
permanentne dodawanie kluczy do dict
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permanently adding keys to dict
temp dodawanie kluczy do dict
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temp adding keys to dict
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wygląd resulta z fetcha
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the appearance of the fetch result
status serwera
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server status
do loop over dictionary
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to loop over dictionary
role session, sessionprop i bulitins
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role sessions, sessionprop and bulitins
wyświetlenie w tabeli listy listę sesji na serwerze
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displaying a list of sessions on the server in a list table
wyświetla status obecnej sesji w dictionary
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displays the status of the current session in the dictionary
wyświetla metryki każdej akcji (total modes, total menory, menory)
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displays metrics for each action (total modes, total menorahs, menorahs)
wyświetla w tabeli opcje sesji
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displays session options in a table
pobranie opcji sesji
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download session options
ustawienie opcji sesji
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setting session options
info o licencjonowanych produktach, info o licencji
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information about licensed products, license information
wyświetla wszystkie załadowane actionsety/wszystkie actionsety
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displays all loaded actionsets/all actionsets
help o action setach
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help about action sets
dodanie casliba casl
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adding caslib casl
wyświetlenie dostępnych caslibow
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display available caslibs
wyświetlenie data source w caslibie
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displaying data source in caslib
lista ostatnich 10 akcji odpalonych na czas serwerze
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list of the last 10 actions launched on time on the server
ładowanie server-side CASL
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loading server-side CASL
import csv options
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import csv options
ładowanie client-side files ze ścieżki
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loading client-side files from path
dodawanie casliba z Sas data connector
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adding caslib from Sas data connector
promowanie tabeli podczas ładowania
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promoting table while loading
promowanie załadowanej tabeli
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promoting the loaded table
usuwanie pliku z casliba
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deleting file from caslib
zapisanie tabeli do data source part
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saving the table to the data source part
usunięcie tabeli z casliba
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deleting a table from caslib
info o kolumnach w tabeli
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info about columns in the table
fetchowanie tabeli
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table fetching
level, frequency i unikalne wartości kolumn
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level, frequency and unique column values
result table properties
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result table properties
selection of table
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selection of table
sumowanie całej kolumny tabeli, wyświetlanie wybranych wierszy
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summing the entire table column, displaying selected rows
odejmowanie arrayow
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subtracting arrays
dodawanie kolumny do tabeli
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adding a column to the table
zapisanie cas variable do in-memory table
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saving cas variable to in-memory table
zapisanie cas variable do Sas table
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saving cas variable to Sas table
zapisanie cas variable do csv
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saving cas variable to csv
deduplikacja kolumn
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column deduplication
kopiowanie tabeli
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copying table
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zwraca missingujace wiersze
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returns missing lines
updatowanie wierszy w miejscu
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updating rows in place
od, ten w updatowaniu tabel w miejscu
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from, the one in updating tables in place
plusy/minusy updatowania tabel w miejscu
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pros/cons of updating tables in place
data i godzina
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date and time
wyciągnięcie daty/czasu
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extracting date/time
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różnica dat
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date difference
character -> numeru format
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character -> number format
plusy/minusy tworzenia nowej tabeli
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pros/cons of creating a new table
data step action set
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data step action set
zmiana nazwy tabeli, etykiety
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changing table name, label
datapreprocess różne actions
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datapreprocess various actions
zastępowanie missing values
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replacing missing values
wynik impute action
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result of impute action
transposeowanie tabeli
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table transpose
wykres pudełkowy
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box chart
fedql ładowanie action
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fedql loading action
fedsql action
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fedsql action
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freq, opis
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freq, description
freqtab 1.
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freqtab 1.
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freqtab dodatkowe opcje
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freqtab 3.
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ustawienia grafik
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graphics settings
ods schemat
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ods diagram
ods excel
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ods excel
ods powerpoint
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ods powerpoint
ods rtf
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ods rtf
ods pdf
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ods pdf
zamknięcie odsow
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closing of the air conditioner
czy tabela istnieje
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whether the table exists
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data step z tabeli
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data step from the table
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aggreate ogolnie
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aggreate in general
aggreate, wiele agg
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aggreate, many agg
aggregate podobne do summary
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aggregate similar to summary
aggreate wiele kolumn do jednego agg
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aggreate multiple columns to one agg
aggreate ukrycie dodatkowej kolumny (jakiej?), customowe nazywa kolumn w subsecie, customowe percentile
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aggreate hiding an additional column (which one?), custom column names in the subset, custom percentiles
tabele z freqtab
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tables from freqtab
2 way freq z freqtab
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2 way freq with freqtab
cross w freqtab
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cross in freqtab

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