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ceramic materials
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clay glass plaster cement
most clay os used where
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manufacturing products
percent of earth’s surface that is clay
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to make clay workable it needs to be kneaded or
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essential properties of clay
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plasticity porosity vitrify
clay that is too plastic
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water of plasticity
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used to make clay porus, silica sand or
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groups of clay
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earthware stoneware porcelain
low fire clay
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high fire clay
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stoneware and porcelain
basic formula of clay
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the water formula is
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chemical water
process of forming clay
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geological weathering
2 major categories of clay
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primary and secondary
most common and valuable of the primary clay
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secondary clay used to buid kilns
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fire clays
a clay body is
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an adjusted clay or clay mixture
modified clay are called
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prepared clay
red clay - firing range 1800F-2000F(cone 6-2)
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earthwares clay bodies
grey or buff clay firing range 2100-2350F (cone 5-10)
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manufactured white clay - firing range from 2250-2400F (cone 8-11)
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porcelain clay bodies
ppl employed to compound bodies for single and esoteric puposes
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ceramic engineers
a colored clay used to make beads and jewelry
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egyptian paste
refactory means
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resistant to heat

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