CHAPTER: Travelling

 0    11 Datenblatt    karoladamczak
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na pokładzie
Lernen beginnen
on board
on a boat, train, aircraft, etc
Everybody have to check in on the board
być w drodze
Lernen beginnen
be on your way
You're supposed to be on your way to State.
nosić bagaż
Lernen beginnen
carry luggage
to hold something or someone with your hands, arms, or on your back and take them from one place to another
Being on the 4th floor requires a strong arm to carry luggage as there is no lift.
przekraczać granice
Lernen beginnen
cross the borders
To cross a mental or country order
Within 20 minutes, the general and I should cross the border.
wsiadać do autobusu
Lernen beginnen
get on the bus/get out of
Right now we're talking to a friend of Bata's who claims he couldn't get on the bus.
mieć pierwszeństwo
Lernen beginnen
have priority
to be more important than other things and to be dealt with first
The decisions of courts always have priority, and often even decisive.
odprowadzić kogoś
Lernen beginnen
to see somebody off (to the station)/escort
to go somewhere with someone, often to protect or guard them
He offered to escort me home.
pokonać dystans
Lernen beginnen
to cover a distance
to travel a particular distance
We covered 700 kilometres in four days.
ograniczać wydatki
Lernen beginnen
reduce expenses/keep the costs low
ważny / nieważny paszport
Lernen beginnen
valid/invalid passport
wyrobić nowy paszport
Lernen beginnen
renew your passport
to arrange to continue an official agreement that was going to end soon

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