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Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) roll, size, services and patients
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largest integrated Healthcare System in the US. provides Health Care inactive members of the military and Armed Forces. approximately 6.1 million people.
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long-term care must be 90 days or more
Continuum of Care
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philosophy that the Healthcare System should facilitate and individuals care from Independence to dependence
Activities of daily living (ADL)
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basic activities such as Mobility, eating, toileting and dressing
instrumental activities of daily living (IADL)
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activities like managing money, telephoning, grocery shopping and personal shopping
Adult Day Care
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allows clients to receive LTC services in a senior or other Center for part of the day
Respite Care
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allowing caregivers to have a break or vacation from impaired person
Assisted Living.
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home or apartment like living that allows for Independent activities like cooking and bathing and also provide care like medication
unpaid long-term care providers? who are they
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family members & friends
power of attorney / guardianship
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the appointed family member or friend makes all the health decisions for elderly person.
spending down
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redistributing assets so that the individual will be Medicaid eligible
LTC funding sources
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the government / Medicare only pays for it if they spend down for the first 20 days. also private funding
Home Health Care
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when a nurse to attend to you at your house. The Man became to increase in 1980 because of Technology, shortest stay at hospital. Funding comes from both Federal and personal dollars
Define long-term care
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providing Healthcare Services to a person for more than 90 days
what are the main characteristics of people in LTC
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people that need help performing activity of daily living.
which group is the largest group of caregivers
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the unpaid caregivers
what do the activities of daily living measure?
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whether or not a person needs long-term care and to what degree
what are the instrumental activities of daily living
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managing money, telephoning, grocery shopping, transporting, housekeeping, and managing medications.
what are the most common types of LTC organizations
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community, Hospital, nursing homes and assisted living
what is the most common source of nursing home revenue
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Medicare / Medicaid reimbursement
through what process do people in nursing homes become qualified for Medicare
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financing and spending down
Aging in place
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allows the Aging couple to stay in their living situation while growing older with increasing levels of personal and medical assistance

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