Continents in Slovak

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svetadiely (r.
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Austrália a Oceánia (r. ž.)
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Afrika (r. ž.)
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Európa (r. ž.)
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Ázia (r. ž.)
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Južná Amerika (r. ž.)
North America
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Severná Amerika (r. ž.)
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Antarktída (r. ž.)

Study Continents in Slovak

Develop your vocabulary in Slovak and start with Continents! VocApp uses the multisensory flashcards to make you learn Continents in Slovak in the shortest time possible! Audio recordings let you get the pronunciation of a given word, and images will get Continents in Slovak into one's head for good! Did you know the spelling of Continents in Slovak too? You will get the answer in our lesson Continents in Slovak and get to know many other wordsin Slovak language!

Why should I learn Slovak?

There are many reasons to study Slovak! First of all, Slovak is a engaging language. Speaking Slovak will broaden your social circle and simply make you smarter! If the reasons above are not enough for you to start learning Slovak, think of it as a challenge. Whenever you learn a foreign language, you activate the area in your brain responsible for remembering.

How to learn Slovak for good

If you plan to speak Slovak the first step is to broaden your vocabulary in Slovak. Our language learning app will take care of it by scheduling repetitions of the words in Slovak you didn't know making you remember more in less time!

Learn Slovak fast and efficiently!

Save time thanks to the VocApp Spaced Repetition System! It will expand your active vocabulary in the most time-saving way! You can also master your pronunciation in Slovak with our audio recordings!

Take a look at our other Slovak language lessons

The lesson on Continents in Slovak is just a little study aid. If you are interested in professional language courses, make sure to take a look at our offer on Slovak language courses. If you'd rather short lessons on Slovak, try out our other flashcards.

With us you can learn Slovak with multiple language courses developed by professionals.

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