Delivery Systems

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healthcare industry who pays
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the government
Geriatric Care
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Care for an Elderly Person
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study of the nature, cause, control, and determinants of disease
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the study of social behavior or Society
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study of microscopic organisms
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the study of mankind
healthcare industry employment statistics relation to the demographic trends
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the numbers are going up to continue to expend because of all people. home health aides
Wellness model
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Health focuses on the prevention of disease
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doctors and nurses
service occupational
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Dental / medical assistants and HHA
administrative support
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medical secretaries, billing, accounting clerk
medical model
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a Viewpoint about Health that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of disease. medicine is answer to health
CDC Responsibilities
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a group of federal governmental agencies responsible for collecting and interpreting Healthcare statistics
healthy people 2020 areas of focus
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access to healthcare
long-term care location
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Nursing homes, Hospital, hospice care, Rehab centers
competitive advantage
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outperform other businesses and maintain position
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it will soon lose its place to competitors
Managed Care
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combination of payments for healthcare and delivery of services into one system. combines Health Care delivery and Healthcare System
Public Health and functions
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Public Health helps keeps us safe and away from danger. There are rules and regulations
mental illness
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chronic lifetime disease that interferes with everyday life. 1 in 5 or 26% Earth population
what is the average human lifespan in the USA
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77.9 years
who lives longer in the USA
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females live longer
what are the approximate shares of National Health Care Workforce employed in Hospital, Medical and Long-term care sectors
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Hospital: 40% Medical: 27.9% LTC: 21%
approximately what percentage of healthcare workers deliver direct patient care
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approximately what percentage of healthcare workers in management / Administration positions
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Under 5%
what's the main difference between the medical model and the wellness model of healthcare delivery
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the medical model focuses on medicine. the wellness model focuses on prevention
what is the approximate share of GDP devoted 2 Health Care and what's the approximate number of people employed in the healthcare industry
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17.6 % of the country GDP and 16.9 million people
what is the only sector of the healthcare industry with Fortune 500 Firms devoted primarily to healthcare
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what's the purpose of the Stark law
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Amendment to the Social Security Act which prohibits referrals two clinical labs service where provider has a financial interest
Define three major government roles in healthcare
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provider of healthcare services, payer of service provided by others and regulator of healthcare providers
what is the government's approximate share of healthcare expenditures at all levels
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2.5 trillion dollars

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