das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Amerikanisches Englisch

język polski - American English

dokuczać ?:

1. tease tease

I didn’t mean it: I was just teasing. | 2. Why do you tease her every time you see her? | 3. John’s always teasing me about my accent.
Don’t tease the dog by showing her the treat if you’re not going to give it to her. | 2. He teased the dog and it bit him.
Johnny, don't be such a tease - leave your sister alone! | 2. This tease is not worthy of your attention.
The other kids teased her about her hair.

Amerikanisches Englisch Wort "dokuczać"(tease) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Unit 12 Cutting Edge Upper Student's Book

andere Wörter beginnend mit "D(die Empfänger)

dodawać ?
dogodny ?
dojrzały ?
dokument ?
dokładnie ?
dokładny ?