dodatkowe do testu

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Lernen beginnen
a thing that is regarded as more important than another (priorytet)
Lernen beginnen
using machines to do work that people normally do (automatyzacja)
driverless car
Lernen beginnen
a car without a driver (samochód bezzałogowy)
Lernen beginnen
done by machines and not people
freight train
Lernen beginnen
a train on which goods are transported (pociąg towarowy)
Lernen beginnen
the first version of something which can be tested before it is produced in large quantities (prototyp)
to load
Lernen beginnen
to put a load on or in something, e.g. a vehicle (załadować)
Lernen beginnen
a detachable or self-contained unit on an aircraft, spacecraft, vehicle, or vessel, having a particular function (tu: kapsuła)
Lernen beginnen
a hollow, usually cylindrical body of metal, glass, rubber, or other material (tuba)
maglev (train)
Lernen beginnen
type of train that is magnetically lifted and propelled by magnetic fields (kolej magnetyczna)
magnetic levitation
Lernen beginnen
the lifting of an object by means of magnetic forces (lewitacja magnetyczna)
Lernen beginnen
a vehicle that can fly (statek powietrzny, samolot)
energy efficient
Lernen beginnen
using little electricity, gas, etc. (energooszczędny)
Lernen beginnen
usual (standardowy, konwencjonalny)
Lernen beginnen
an empty space with no particles and no pressure (próżnia)
air resistance
Lernen beginnen
force that opposes the motion of objects that move through the air (opór powietrza)
Lernen beginnen
the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes (technologia
Lernen beginnen
noun: a regular journey of some distance to and from one's place of work (dojeżdżanie do pracy, szkoły...)
Lernen beginnen
amount (ilość)
Lernen beginnen
the act of losing someone or something (strata, utrata)
Lernen beginnen
receiving energy from the sun (zasilany energią słoneczną)

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