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The superficial inguinal nodes are
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divisible into the horizontal and ventral tract
Flexor digitorum longus is involved
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in both plantar and crural chiasms
The lacuna vasorum transmits
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the femoral branch of genitofemoral n.
Both the hypogastric and ilioinguinal n. project
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on the quadratus lumborum
The deep femoral ring is laterally limited by
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the femoral vein.
Because of asymetry, the right transverse sinus is usually continuous with the
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superior saggital sinus, while the left transverse sinus is continuous with the straight sinus +
The abducent nerve enters the
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cavernous sinu through Dorello’s canal and lies on the lateral side the internal carotid a.
The anterior tympanic artery ends in the
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petrotympanic fissure
GVE fibers to the lacrimal gland do not pass through
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Superior orbital fissure; nie mają nic wspólnego z inferior ganglion of glossopharyngeal n.!
GVE fibers to the lacrimal gland pass through
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inferior orbital fissure, pterygopalatine fossa, in ac meatus and porus, foramen lacerum
At the junction of the cortex and medulla, the interlobar arteries dichotomize into the
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arcuate arteries that do not anastomose with adjacent arcuate arteries +
Both Isaac-Ludwig arterioles and veraciouss vasa recta are derivatives of
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of afferent glomerular arterioles +
od łukowatych i międzyzrazikowych odchodzą
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tętniczki proste prawdziwe, natomiast tętniczki proste rzekome odchodzą od naczyń odprowadzających czyli od efferent glomerular a.
The 5 vascular segments are usually
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distinguished +
The adjacent arcuate veins do
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anastomose with each other +
from superior to inferior Posteriori intercostal v.,
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Posteriori intercostal v., posteriori intercostal a., posteriori intercostal n.
from superior to inferior Pulmonary trunk valve,
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Pulmonary trunk valve, aortic valve, mitral valve, tricuspid valve
from superior to inferior Eparterial bronchus,
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Eparterial bronchus, RIGHT pulmonary artery, hypoarterial bronchus, inferior pulmonary vein (tylko w prawym płucu mamy epartieral i hyparterial bronchus!)
superior to inferior Obturator n.,
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Obturator n., obturator a., obturator v (tutaj jest odwrotnie niż ze strukturami intercostal)
from superior to inferior Aorta hiatus,
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Aorta hiatus, esophageal hiatus, foramen vena cava
Suspensory ligament od ovary jest
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fałdem otrzewnej, który zawiera ovarian vessels and nerves, biegnie bocznie w stosunku do external iliac vessels i jest przyczepiony do superior part of ovary.
(mesometrium sięga do
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więzadła właściwego jajnika (proper ligament of ovary), więzadło obłe (round ligament of uterus) znajduje się niżej)
(inguinal canal jest u mężczyzn
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wypełniony powrózkiem nasiennym – spermatic cord-, u kobiet więzadłem obłym macicy, więc otrzymują one podobne osłonki)
uterine vessels biegną przez
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cardinal ligament)
Więzadło właściwe jajnika i więzadło obłe macicy sa pochodnymi
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pochodnymi genitoinguinal ligament.
Glossopharyngeal n przechodzi przez
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jugular foramen (część przyśrodkowa)!
Sphenion, crotaphion oraz pterion odnoszą się do
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sphenoparietal suture.
The internal occipital protuberance refers
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to confluence sinuum
The mastoid canaliculus starts with
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jugular fossa and ends in the tympanomastoid suture.
To the external cranial base does not belong
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external opening of vestibular aqueduct.
Sphenion to
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początek szwu sphenoparietal Crotaphion to koniec szwu sphenoparietal; Pterion to środek szwu sphenoparietal
Bilateral medial olfactory striae przebijają
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anterior commissure
The olfactory area of nasal cavity zajmuje
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(superior and middle) nasal concha and the opposite part of nasal septum
Aksony mitral cells kończą się w
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polu 34
-żołądkowo-trzustkowy (stanowi cieśń torby sieciowej) Lewy:
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t. żołądkowa lewa z jej splotem nerwowym, żyła wieńcowa żołądka i naczynia chłonne
Fałdy: -żołądkowo-trzustkowy prawy
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t. wątrobowa wspólna
fald -dwunastniczo-jelitowe górne
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żyła krezkowa dolna
-Hepatoduodenal fold
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hepatic proper a, portal v, common bile duct
-Splenorenal ligament-
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-Splenorenal ligament- splenic artery.
within the liver, ramifications of the portal vein, proper hepatic artery and intrahepatic billary ducts
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pass together
unlike the midgut, the hindgut is innervated
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by the pelvic splanchnic nerves
in the liver, the hepatic veins pass
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all alone, and so separate its parenchyma into 4 sectors
the esophageal hiatus is composed of
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muscle fibers starting with the right crus of diaphragm
inferior mesenteric artery jest
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najmniejszą z wszystkich trzech odgałęzień aorty brzusznej i odchodzi na poziomie L3;
PAROTID SPACE: dziela ja
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dzielą ją włókna pes anserinus major, ale są to włókna ruchowe nerwu VII, czyli SVE
parotid space jest z tylu
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do mięśnia skrzydłowego przyśrodkowego i żwacza
parotid space is transversed
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is transversed by the external carotid artery and retromandibular vein
SVE fibers innervate
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buccopharyngeus and zygomaticus major, sphenosalpingostaphyllinus and petrosalpingostaphyllinus, glossopharyngeus and digastric, cricothyroid and posterior cricoarytenoid
mięśnie oka są unerwiane przez
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nerwy GSE, podobnie jak mięśnie języka; superior oblique - IV nerve, włókna GSE;
the tympanic nerve is involved
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in Jacobson’s anastomosis
secretory fibres for the lacrimal gland are
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secretory fibres for the lacrimal gland are axons of pterygopalatine ganglion;
the parotid gland and posterior lingual glands are innervated by
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GVE fibers of IX nerve
hip joint
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transverse acetabular ligament
atlantooccipital joint
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transverse atlantal ligament
transverse tarsal joint
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bifurcate ligament
shoulder joint
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glenohumeral ligament
Only one axis is typical of the joint formed by:
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humerus and ulna
radius and scaphoid + lunate + triquetrum ile osi?
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trapezium and metacarpal ile osi
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The following nerves are solely composed of dendrites,
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opthalmic and maxillary nerves, saphenous and sural nerves, medial antebrachial and brachial cutaneous nerves, superior, middle and inferior cluneal nerves
the superior cerebellar peduncles contain
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dentatofugal fibers that end in either the contralateral red nucleus or contralateral ventral lateral nucleus of thalamus
włókna mszyste kończą się w
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w warstwie ziarnistej a włókna pnące idą do komórek gruszkowatych (warstwa zwojowa)
c-ośrodek termoregulacji-
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cz. przednia podwzgórza łącznie z okolicą przedwzrokową zawiera ośrodki chroniące przed przegrzaniem, a część tylna podwzgórza kieruje mechanizmami zapobiegającymi nadmiernemu oziębieniu organizmu
d-płaciki 4-8 to posterior lobe =
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cerebral cerebellum = neocerebellum
at the glenohumeral joint the
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long heads of the biceps and triceps brachii offer additional superior and inferior support, respectively
abductor pollicis brevis are innervated by
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the median nerve
abductor pollicis longus is innerveted by
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abductor pollicis longus
both the princeps pollicis artery and I dorsal metacarpal a. start with the
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deep palmar arch
flexor digitorum superficialis and flexor digitorum profundus there are
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4 seperate bellies for fingers 1-4
pronator teres,
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ulnar a pod, radial a. nad
the superior part of duodenum is crossed posteriorly
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abdominal aorta, superior mesenteric artery
b-płat ogoniasty jest
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odrębny, a czworoboczny związany jest z płatem lewym
the fundus of stomach is supplied
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tt. żołądkowe krótkie od t. śledzionowej
the common hepatic duct has the
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following 4 parts: supraduodenal, retroduodenal, pancreatic and intramural
at the scapular line in both lungs, the oblique fissure separates
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segments 2 and 6

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