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Frage American English Antworten American English
She was ........ (pełna zachwytu) when she received the good news.
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She was ecstatic when she received the good news.
He felt ........ (opuszczony) after his longtime friend moved away.
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He felt desolate after his longtime friend moved away.
The children were ........ (podniecone) to see the circus performers.
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The children were elated to see the circus performers.
Sarah was ........ (przytłoczona) with grief at the loss of her pet.
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Sarah was overwhelmed with grief at the loss of her pet.
John felt ........ (lękliwy) before his big job interview.
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John felt apprehensive before his big job interview.
The students were ........ (znudzeni) during the long lecture.
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The students were bored during the long lecture.
Mary was ........ (uradowana) when she won the singing competition.
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Mary was jubilant when she won the singing competition.
The old man felt ........ (nostalgicznie) as he walked through his childhood neighborhood.
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The old man felt nostalgic as he walked through his childhood neighborhood.
Tom was ........ (wściekły) when he discovered his car had been vandalized.
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Tom was furious when he discovered his car had been vandalized.
Jane felt ........ (winna) after accidentally breaking her sister's favorite vase.
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Jane felt guilty after accidentally breaking her sister's favorite vase.
The ........ (wycieńczony) athlete collapsed after finishing the marathon.
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The exhausted athlete collapsed after finishing the marathon.
The child was ........ (zafascynowany) by the colorful fireworks display.
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The child was fascinated by the colorful fireworks display.
Peter was ........ (zdziwiony) by the complex math problem.
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Peter was puzzled by the complex math problem.
Maria was ........ (zazdrosna) of her friend's new car.
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Maria was envious of her friend's new car.
The students were ........ (chętni, gorliwi) to start their summer vacation.
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The students were eager to start their summer vacation.
David was ........ (odciążony, ulga) when he found his lost wallet.
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David was relieved when he found his lost wallet.
Karen felt ........ (niespokojna, zatroskana) about her upcoming presentation.
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Karen felt anxious about her upcoming presentation.
The toddler was ........ (ciekawski) about everything around her.
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The toddler was curious about everything around her.
The team was ........ (pewny siebie) before the championship game.
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The team was confident before the championship game.
Robert felt ........ (zawstydzony) after making a hurtful comment.
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Robert felt ashamed after making a hurtful comment.
Emily was ........ (zdeterminowana) to succeed in her new business venture.
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Emily was determined to succeed in her new business venture.
Lisa felt ........ (obojętna) about the outcome of the game.
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Lisa felt indifferent about the outcome of the game.
Rebecca was ........ (współczujaca) towards her friend's difficult situation.
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Rebecca was sympathetic towards her friend's difficult situation.
James was ........ (upokorzony) after his embarrassing mistake in front of a crowd.
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James was humiliated after his embarrassing mistake in front of a crowd.
Laura was ........ (zirytowana) by her neighbor's loud music late at night.
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Laura was annoyed by her neighbor's loud music late at night.
Amanda was ........ (zniesmaczona) by the rotten smell coming from the garbage bin.
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Amanda was disgusted by the rotten smell coming from the garbage bin.
Sarah was (sfrustrowana) by the slow progress of her project.
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Sarah was frustrated by the slow progress of her project.
The hiker was ........ (podekscytowany) as he reached the mountain's summit.
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The hiker was exhilarated as he reached the mountain's summit.
Anna was ........ (zdewastowana) when her long-term relationship ended.
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Anna was devastated when her long-term relationship ended.
Tom was ........ (sceptyczny) about the politician's promises.
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Tom was skeptical about the politician's promises.
The actress was ........ (dumna) of her outstanding performance.
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The actress was proud of her outstanding performance.

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