English idioms

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to fight like cat and dog
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to have angry arguments all the time
to tie the knot
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to get married
to have a soft spot for someone
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to be fond and affectionate to somebody (być dla kogoś miłym i czułym)
to be the spitting image of someone
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to look exacely alike
to be like chalk and cheese
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to be completely different from each other
to be like two peas in a pod
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to be very simillar, especially in appearance
to be the black sheep of the family
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a person who has done sth bad that brings embarrassment or shame to his/her family
blood is thicker than water
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said to emphasize that you believe that family connections are always more important than other types of relationship
there's no love lost between them
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they dislike one another
it's like talking to a brick wall
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if talking to sb is like talking to a brick wall, the person you are speaking to doesn't listen
to follow in somebody's footsteps
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to do the same thing as someone else did previously, especially making a journey or following a particular career
to be at each other's throats
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they are arguing angrily
to see eye to eye someone
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to agree with sb
to have a shoulder to cry on
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someone who gives you sympathy when you are upset
to be throught thick and thin together
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na dobre i na złe

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