essence. [C] [SL. 2024]

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Frage English Antworten English
a dried plum
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a prune
the vine on which grapes grow
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a grapevine
bawół wodny
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a water buffalo
world’s fastest land animal
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a cheetah
A group of wolves
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a pack
plural of sheep (irregular)
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1 sheep, 2 sheep
the money used in a country (e.g., dollar, euro, zloty)
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(v.) to become calm, chill
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to relax
(v.) to solve a problem
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to resolve
(n.) the solution to the problem
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the resolution
(adj.) behaving in a way that is socially correct and shows care for
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(v.) to think or talk about something again
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to review
(n.) waste material or unwanted things that you throw away
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(adj.) a more polite word for “rich”
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(n.) great comfort, especially from expensive and beautiful things
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(adj.) very comfortable and expensive
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A day to celebrate the fact that we can work
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Labor Day
A day to celebrate the ones who died
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All Saints Day
travel distance you regularly take between home and work
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beyond my capabilities/out of range
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out of scope
not too expensive
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budget friendly
team of flight attendants on the plane
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cabin crew
do not have to pay duty/tax
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duty free
x-ray machine
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airport security staff use this to look into your luggage
you put your luggage on this and it is transported from place to place
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conveyer belt
the office where you have to pay taxes on imported or exported items
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the airplane starts to fly
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take off / departure
the airplane is brought back down to Earth
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landing / arrival
hard ground on which the airplane takes off and lands
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cover that can be pulled over a window to block out the light
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window shade
the tracks on which the train runs
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railway track
money paid for a journey on public transport
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the size/the number of bags allowed on a journey
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baggage allowance
the movement of the airplane on the runway (before taking off or after landing)
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a ticket from one place to another, but not back again
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a single ticket / a one way ticket
a ticket for travel to a place and back again
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a return ticket/ a round trip ticket
fold away table in or beside your seat on an airplane
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a tray table
We meet for English in Monday. MISTAKES?
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We meet for English ON MondayS.
a substance that consists of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon that provide heat and energy for the body, found in foods such as bread, pasta, fruits, etc.
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a type of bread shaped like a ring with a hard texture
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a loaf of bread that is narrow and long
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any grain such as wheat, barley, rye, etc., used to make flour or bread
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a baked good made from dough or batter
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a plant with seeds, leaves, or flowers used for cooking or medicine, such as mint and parsley
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a vegetable with a round dark red root that is used in cooking or producing sugar
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Beet (AmE)/beetroot (BrE)
a pepper with a sweet taste and green color, eaten raw or cooked
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green pepper
a type of pepper with a sweet taste or a very hot taste (depending on the variety) that is red in color
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red pepper
any cheese that is made from goat's milk
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goat cheese
a type of food similar to butter, made from vegetable oils or animal fats
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a light cream that is produced from regular cream and lactic acid bacteria
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sour cream
an edible soft berry that is red or black in color and grows on bushes
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a type of dried plant with a pleasant smell used to add taste or color to the food
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a vegetable similar to a potato in shape that has a sweet taste and is orange
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sweet potato
a long and thin vegetable with dark green skin
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the common grain that is used in making flour
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a thick slice of beef that is often cooked by grilling
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food made with pieces of meat and vegetables roasted or grilled on fire, typically on a skewer
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a long piece of wood or metal used for holding pieces of food, typically meat, together during cooking
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a type of food made with meat, eggs, etc., baked in the shape of a loaf of bread
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Kotlet schabowy
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crispy breaded pork chop
a thick white dressing made with egg yolks, vegetable oil, and vinegar, served cold
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mayonnaise (mayo)
a cold yellow or brown condiment with a hot taste taken from the seeds of a small plant with yellow flowers
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a thin dark brown sauce, made from soybeans, used in Asian cuisines
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soy sauce
a cold sauce made from tomatoes, which has a thick texture and is served with some food
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a sour liquid that is commonly used in cooking, cleaning, or to preserve food
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a rich sauce made with milk, flour, and butter
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white sauce
a substance for chewing with different tastes such as strawberry, mint, etc.
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chewing gum
a hard and colored candy often with a fruity taste, which is made of boiled corn syrup and sugar
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hard candy
a type of candy that is flat or round and is on a stick
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a frozen dessert typically made from flavored water or fruit juice frozen around a stick
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a sweet creamy dish made with milk, sugar, and flour, served cold as a dessert
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an amount of food served to one person
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a meal eaten in the evening, typically lighter than dinner and often the last meal of the day
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a meal bought from a restaurant or store to be eaten somewhere else
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a loaf of bread that is small and made for one person
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a soft and thick substance made from boiled tomatoes, used as a cooking ingredient
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tomato paste
meat from a pig's or calf's head that is cooked and pressed into a loaf with aspic (salceson)
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a savoury jelly made with meat stock, set in a mould and used to contain pieces of meat, seafood, or eggs
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a large edible prawn marked with dark bands, found in the Indian and Pacific oceans
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tiger prawn
a small crustacean with an elongated body
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a fairly small silvery fish; traditionally eaten at Christmas Eve Dinner
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A piece of cake
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very easy
A couch potato
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a lazy person who watches too much tv
The apple never falls far from the tree
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like father/mother like son/daughter
To bring home the bacon
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support a family financially
... is not my cup of tea
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not my thing/something I like
Salt of the Earth
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a genuine, charitable, down
As cool as a cucumber
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very calm and relaxed
Spill the beans
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reveal a secret/sensitive information
There’s no point crying over spilt milk
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a problem has happened and there’s nothing you can do, so don’t worry
To butter somebody up
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to compliment/treat someone nicely in order to get something
to take something with a pinch/grain of salt
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to not believe something is completely true
the instructions on how to cook a certain food, including a list of the ingredients required
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any of the foods that is used in making a dish
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to repeatedly mix something using a spoon, fork, etc.
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to beat
to cut something into pieces using a knife, etc.
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to chop
to make food look more delicious by decorating it
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to garnish
to cook food directly over or under high heat, sometimes over an open flame
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to grill
to raise the temperature of something
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to heat
to soak food in a seasoned liquid, typically containing oil, vinegar, herbs, and spices, to enhance its flavor and softness before cooking
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to marinate
to remove the skin or outer layer of something, such as fruit, etc.
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to peel
to cook food, especially fish, in a small amount of boiling water or another liquid
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to poach
to cook something, especially meat, over a fire or in an oven for an extended period
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to roast
to cut food or other things into thin, flat pieces
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to slice
to move a spoon, etc. around in a liquid or other substance to completely mix it
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to stir
to make food such as bread or cheese brown by heating it
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to toast
a piece of furniture on which food is prepared
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an object that is used for cooking or eating
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a frame made of metal on which food is cooked over a fire
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an electrical device used to blend, mix, or puree food and liquids into a smooth consistency
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a flat-bottomed pan with low sides and a long handle, typically used for frying and browning foods
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frying pan
a pan in the shape of a bowl, especially used for making Chinese dish
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a device or object used for combining ingredients together to achieve a certain texture
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the removable cover at the top of a container
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a bowl typically used in cooking and baking for combining ingredients
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mixing bowl
a spoon that is made of wood
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wooden spoon
a device used to weigh people or objects
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a slight amount of something one can hold between the index finger and thumb
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the amount that fills a cup, typically a standard measuring cup used in cooking and baking
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the amount that fills a spoon, typically a standard eating or measuring spoon
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to make meat easy to cut or chew by beating it
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to tenderize
to soak or preserve in salty water
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to brine
to preserve and add a smoky flavor to meat, fish, or cheese using smoke from burning wood
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to smoke (food)
Different from what is usual or important in a unique way.
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Giving pleasure or making you feel happy.
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Related to business or making money
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Using imagination or original ideas to make something.
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Feeling thankful or showing appreciation.
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Willing to give or share more than usual or expected.
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Made by humans, not natural.
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Covered with or having a lot of snow.
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Easy to remember because it is special or important.
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Having the most activity or work.
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Expecting good things to happen.
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Comfortably hot, or showing kindness and affection.
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Showing a lot of excitement or interest.
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Related to a particular place, especially nearby.
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Unexpected and causing wonder or amazement.
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Full of hope or positive expectation.
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Following old customs or practices.
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Costing a lot of money.
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Very pleasing or enjoyable
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Difficult but interesting or motivating.
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Full of celebration or joy, like during a holiday.
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Calm, quiet, and without disturbance.
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a person that works with the money and accounts of a company
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a person that designs buildings and houses
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a person who studies the stars and the universe
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They write books or novels
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They make bread and cakes and normally work in a bakery
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someone who works in a coffee shop and makes and serves coffee.
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a person that works with meat. They cut the meat and sell it in their shop
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a person that makes things from wood including houses and furniture
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a person that prepares food professionally, often in a restaurant, hotel, or café
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a person that collects trash/rubbish from bins in the street
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Garbageman/Refuse collector
a person in charge of writing, like a newspaper or magazine, who decides what it will say in the end
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a person who installs, manages, and fixes electrical wiring, equipment, and fixtures
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a person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, structures or public works
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a person that works in a factory
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Factory worker
a person that puts out fires
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a person that catches fish
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a person that works with flowers
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a person that keeps gardens clean and tidy and take care of the plants
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a person who makes different kinds of images for print or digital media
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Graphic artist
they cut your hair or give it a new style
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someone who writes news stories for a newspaper or magazine or shares them on radio or TV
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a qualified person that decides cases in a law court
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a person who works in the legal field as an attorney/barrister (defending or prosecuting in court) or lawyer/solicitor (giving legal advice)
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a person that gives lectures, usually in a university
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a person that works in a library
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a person that saves lives where people swim (at a beach or swimming pool)
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a (usually attractive) person that works in fashion, modeling clothes and accessories
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a person that reads the news, normally on television
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a person trained to help a doctor look after the sick or injured
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a person that checks your eyes and tries to correct any problems with your sight
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a person that paints pictures or the interior and exterior of buildings
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a person who is trained and licensed to make and sell medicines
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a person that takes photos professionally
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a person who flies a plane
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a person that repairs your water systems or pipes
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a person who works in politics
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a member of the police force. They (try and) prevent crime
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Police officer
a person that delivers mail to your house
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a person that makes money from selling land for development
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Real estate agent
a person that is at the reception (entrance) of a company
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someone who sells things or services for a company, either in a store or directly to customers
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a person that works in the science industry. They do many experiments
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a person employed in an office who types letters, keeps records etc.
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Office Assistant
a person that works in a shop or store selling products
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Shop assistant
a person who works for the army
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someone who makes programs and apps for computers and mobile devices
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Software engineer
a person that makes clothes for others, many times producing exclusive items of clothing
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a person that translates from one language to another
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a person that patrols areas to check that people do not park in the wrong place
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Traffic warden
a person that organises and sells holidays and flights for others
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Travel agent
a qualified person that looks after sick animals
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Veterinary doctor (Vet)
a person that works in a food outlet, looking after customers and serving food
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a specific occupation or profession
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a job
general efforts to accomplish a goal (more general than 'job')
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total progression of your professional life
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requires a lot of effort
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a demanding job
a job that makes you feel good
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a fulfilling/rewarding job
a job that can be done by someone who is just beginning their career, which doesn’t require much experience or many skills
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entry-level job
a job that has no opportunities for advancement or promotions
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a dead-end job
a dynamic and important job
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a high-powered job
a job where you earn a lot of money
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a lucrative job
a recommendation of a person for a position
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a referral
a search for a job
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job hunt
advertisments about job openings online or in the newspaper
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job listings
You can say you work at / for (a company)
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“I work AT General Motors.”
You can say you’re working ON (a project / task)
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“I’m working ON improving customer satisfaction.”
You can say you work WITH (people / objects)
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“I work WITH special needs children”
a document that provides an overview of your skills, work history, education, and achievements
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a letter you send with your resume to provide more information about you
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Cover letter
people who can vouch for your skills, experiences, and character, usually former employers or colleagues
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a formal meeting in which one or more persons question, consult, or evaluate another person
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a written statement that describes the duties, responsibilities, required qualifications, and reporting relationships of a particular job
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Job description
a collection of work samples that can demonstrate your skills and qualifications to a potential employer
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a review of a person's criminal, commercial, and financial records typically conducted by an employer before making a job offer
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Background check
a span of time after you start work during which your employer can monitor your performance and determine whether you are suitable for the job
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Probationary period
a formal proposal from an employer to a potential employee to work for their company
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Job offer
the amount of money an applicant expects to be paid for the job they are applying for
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Salary expectations
working the entirety of the standard workweek, typically 40 hours
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working less than the standard workweek, often without receiving benefits such as health insurance
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working for different companies at different times rather than being permanently employed by one company
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not having a job but actively looking for one
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performs specific tasks based on a contract with a set fee and timeframe without being a regular employee
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a student or trainee who works, sometimes without pay, in order to gain work experience or satisfy requirements for a qualification
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having left one's job and ceased to work, typically due to age or after a long period of employment
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a person employed temporarily, for certain times of the year when demand for a certain product or service is high
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working from a location outside of the traditional office environment, usually from home
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Telecommuting/remote working
the last time or date something should be done
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when a group of people work together to reach a common goal
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someone who is in charge of running a company or group of employees
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a way for a group of people to come up with a lot of ideas for how to solve a problem
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information about how people feel about a product, how well someone did on a job, etc., that is used to make things better
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describes a period where an employee is not present in their usual work location, usually due to travel or vacation
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Out of office
the process of bringing a new employee into a company or getting a new customer or client used to your goods or services
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control every part, however small, of an enterprise or activity
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to entrust a task or responsibility to another person, typically one who is less senior than oneself
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